Re: AR-15 @1000yrds
I'm not going to actively contribute to any disputes but, I used to shoot the national match course as a Jr. shooter and, although, I'm not distinguished, ( I'm a couple of leg matches short ) I left the game long ago when I discovered women, fast cars and alcohol, I did make president's 100 in 1984 and shot on the louisiana state jr. team about 5yrs from 1978 on and off till 1984 ( at Perry ).... after a start shooting smallbore for years.
I've seen lately a LOT of folks that put their gear on a bipod and call that shooting so, I see some merit in Sterling's posts.
Learning fundamental rifle ( shooting from a sling )is different than shooting from a rest but, some of it is the same... cheek weld squeeze, call the shot and dope the wind and mirage.... shooting from a sling and shooting offhand is quite different.
I'm just getting back into it but, I remember HOW to shoot, I just have to get out and do it more often.... remembering how a 10mph mirage looks vs. a 7mph mirage. LOL That all applies to F class though.
Shooting the match course could be won by the best shooter.... almost any rifle there would be capable of winning the match if the shooter was up to it.
Keep in mind, these are just offhanded comments not meant to lend ammo to anyone involved... this conversation just got the old juices flowing. LOL
Hell, when I shot the course, it was DCM and only 30 caliber was being used. I still have my M1A supermatch, My unertal spotting scope in the freeland stand and my champion's choice leather shooting coat. ( and a WHOLE lot of DCM issued ammo for the state team match practice ) that was issued every year at Perry.
Lots of people shoot but, not many have had the opportunity to have training from the beginning on the true fundamentals of HOW to do it, call the shot, natural alignment, dry firing drills.... have someone else load your gun.... learn mirage, cheek weld etc. etc. etc.
Hell, I shot a two man sniper match not long ago and, the course had a situation where you had to shoot from a sitting position.... I put on my sling, crossed my legs and got into position.... guys were out there with their 20+ pound rifles with no sling not even knowing how to sit down and shoot it. LOL There was a guy out there with a brand new rifle and beautiful bipod, no sling on it he had NO idea how to get into a sitting position... he'd never done it. He could make that rifle shoot really well if he was shooting it on a bipod though.
There's a big difference in positional shooting and F class shooting... they're just too different to compare almost. Wind, mirage, equipment etc. are more important in F class than shooting irons at 600 in a sling prone. ( wind and mirage matter there too but to a somewhat smaller extent... or, I should say different extent... mirage affects someone shooting irons a LOT more because it makes the target appear flatter when the light is up and there is more mirage etc. If you're shooting in full light and a cloud comes over, you have to change your elevation if you're shooting irons or, you'll have a suprise when your target is marked next.
Not knocking either sport. I loved shooting the national match course and, I loved shooting smallbore before that.... that's how I learned and, I was introduced to the club I was in at 10yrs old and had to wait 2yrs before I could even shoot in the sub-jr. class in tournements as a kid.
The only thing I really regret is not getting distinguished before I left the sport.... I'm a distinguished expert shooting smallbore and made the president's 100 but, never got my national match course distinguished award.
In F class a different skill set is emphasized, IMHO. You have to know your equipment, you have to dope the wind and you have to have basic skills to make the shot over and over... it doesn't put the physical strain on your body that positional shooting does, IMHO ( not to mention that you have to have good eyes too )
Just apples and oranges but, anyone that shoots the course will do well in F class if you have good equipment and a little experience. ( that's what I'm trying to do at the moment )
I've seen a lot of guys that can shoot a rifle that SUCK at pistol..... what's the old saying.... "you have to be knee deep in brass before you start to get how to shoot a pistol". LOL It's still sight alignment, trigger control and follow through but, it's still very different.
Sorry, I hope I have not contributed to any tension.
And, Sorry for the random thoughts that may not even be on topic. haha