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AR as primary

Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VAJayJayPunisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I at least respect the kid for returning and hanging in there, replying to comments and clarifying a few points, that bein said I'd have no qualms sharing a tinfoil hat with him in my zombie bunker. </div></div>

As long as you are not forcing him your use your "special" stock........

Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lockdown</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I still say that his plan is missing some things.

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2042/2236420346_b5ae13b064.jpg </div></div>

Great...now I have to explain to my Chief why I spit my coke all over my laptop. </div></div>

Point out to him that you're a patriotic son of the great state of Georgia and that it at least wasn't that damned infernal Pepsi ... right? And then tell him to buy you a Panasonic Toughbook.
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bf2wesley</div><div class="ubbcode-body">CSAR FE: I'm not a PJ (wish I was), I am a civilian; but I have the utmost respect for them and use that portion of their motto as my sig because I like it and it has meaning to me. If it offends you, please PM me and I will remove it. Oh, and I do wish I had not made my original post, but lesson learned and I'm not gonna hide because I made a mistake.

No offense taken brother, I was just curious!
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VAJayJayPunisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE ALL MIGHTY COCKSTOCK!!!!!!!!! </div></div>

understand, the comment comes from the guy that rolls like this....

Re: AR as primary

Bf2wesley; I was asked if I was in the "ultimate tactical mindset", (I think) because I put an ambi latch charging handle, on right-sided reciprocating side-charger. I guess this just kind of makes the hair on the back of one's neck stand up; it almost sounds like you're expecting some kind of "last stand".

I was an anxious child, and I remember even then, I would wear a jacket with as many pockets as possible, with an assortment of accouterments in each of them. I have a picture of myself, when I was about three, standing naked in my yard, with a stick for my rifle, and a string of beads around my shoulder, as my bandoleer. I don't know what made me think of this. I was just kind of obsessed with weapons, since I can remember.

Maybe you have a humanizing, yet disturbing anecdote, of your own?

ETA: Poses semi-nude, with either one, or ALL guns: lol

Poses fully suited up, with TWO guns: bad omen

Anyone notice this?
Re: AR as primary

+1 to all of the guys that recommended you begin with the fundamentals. Get a good bolt gun and learn to reload your own ammo. You'll hone your skills, learn your limits, and see your goals more clearly. You're young and have plenty of time to buy the militia man gear later.
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VAJayJayPunisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE ALL MIGHTY COCKSTOCK!!!!!!!!! </div></div>

understand, the comment comes from the guy that rolls like this....


That is brilliant!
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lockdown</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I still say that his plan is missing some things.


Great...now I have to explain to my Chief why I spit my coke all over my laptop.</div></div>

I nearly pissed myself when I saw that one too ... awesome post veer_G
Re: AR as primary

Thanks for continuing replying, I appreciate it.

Pointblank4445: thanks for your post, it gave me a little hope when I read it this morning.

Chittnp: no worries, you don't know me from Adam and a good dog pile is hard to resist, no hard feelings. And yes, short questions are the way to go, it seems; I plan on sticking around, can't do much but go up from my first post anyways. I concur with your helmet idea and choice, and agree it pretty much never needs to be ballistic, except for tiers 3 and 4, lol (that's a joke ...). Maybe I could even convince my boss to let me use it instead of my hard hat?

netranger6: just trying to stay afloat here, thanks for the encouragement

Lockdown: it's good to be here, hopefully I can contribute something useful every now and again (without causing an uproar)

CNC: I have actually used the lock picks several times since I got them to help people (on two different occasions my neighbors locked themselves out of their appartments, and I helped them get back in), and have been very close to having to use my med kit twice in the 2 months I've had it (both times it was a car crash right in front of me). If the fact that I am completely into being prepared (second only to God) makes me a nutcase, then a nutcase I'll be.

VAJayJayPunisher: thanks. And since we're both in VA (I'm assuming so, because of your screen name), I could make a trip to your zombie bunker (I think I am a size medium according to standard tin-foil hat sizing specs).

Veer_G: *facepalm* I'll get right on that, how could I have forgotten a wheel-barrow?
(That really made me laugh, great post/pic)

sandwarrior: you're right, I will try to keep my posts (and questions) simple and to the point from here on out; thanks for the kind words too.

CSAR FE: glad I didn't offend, especially about the PJ's

Solid_Squirrel: I have two short ones. First, my first two words after "mom" were "by self," I used to yell that when people tried to help me do things, lol. Second, when I was 4, my mom's best friend was baby-sitting me, but she was watching tv. I started trying to climb up onto my parent's bed, but couldn't reach the top (it is a really tall bed). So I got a pair of scissors and cut handholds into my mom's $500 comforter, and climbed to the top of the bed. I over think things, methinks

Chiller: I don't even know
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Muttt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Did I read about this guy in the news recently?????

Sweet Jesus that was one long fucking post. I have to admit ..... I didn't really read it all.

Did anyone here actually read the whole thing??? </div></div>

Meh...ya kind of get the idea after he tries to mix a switch-block with a piston kit. His 3 posts after that are worth reading though. Basically, he came back and professionally addressed (individually by user name) several of the replies he received. No bitching, no name calling. Kid's got heart and I respect that.
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bf2wesley</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
rideHPD: the reason I'm starting with a centerfire pistol and a carbine (and then a shotgun) is because I cover just about all the bases with them, and want to get into 3-gun. I volunteer as an RSO at a range where I can really train, so it makes sense to me to relegate the .22 for last, as I have the least actual use/need for it. Also, I have a budget that incorporates a 3-month buffer, for exactly that "uncertain future" you mentioned.

You know what I just realized, and that I'm a complete moron for not mentioning it sooner because I'm going to do the same thing for my first AR build that I'm ordering parts for right now: get a .22 upper or conversion kit and some iron sights so you can shoot all day, dirt cheap. Also the last time I checked you had to be 21 to be an NRA-qualified RSO. Now you can attend the class, but you can't be certified until your 21. I know, because I'm 20 and in the same boat trying to become one. Are you volunteering as an assistant RO or how's your deal work? Curious to see, I'm trying to start a shooting team at my school and being a qualified RSO would be very beneficiary.
Re: AR as primary

Mutt: it seems most didn't. In fact, at this point, I'd be suprised if you did.

Pointblank4445: I don't want to sound unappreciative of your kind words (I do appreciate them), so please don't take this the wrong way, but I do know the differences between the low-pro gas block, the Switchblock, and the piston kit. I'll start with the low pro gas block, in lieu of a front sight base. If/when I start running suppressed in a DI gun, I'll switch to the Switchblock to help prevent/mitigate any overgassing issues; the Adam's Arms piston kit is the piston I would try first if I ever choose to try a piston AR.

rideHPD: That .22 upper sounds like a great idea, thank you. You're also right on with the RSO thing: I am effect a RSO apprentice till I turn 21, I get to RSO as long as there is another RSO there. I actually took the class and the test already, the guys at the range just haven't turned it in to the NRA yet, they'll wait until I hit 21.
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bf2wesley</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
VAJayJayPunisher: thanks. And since we're both in VA (I'm assuming so, because of your screen name), I could make a trip to your zombie bunker (I think I am a size medium according to standard tin-foil hat sizing specs).


FYI - The 'VA' does not stand for the State of Virginia... its more of an anatomy thing.
Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bf2wesley</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shh! My innocent youthful eyes can't handle that! </div></div>

Not mine!
Re: AR as primary

You guys are showing remarkable restraint.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lockdown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If all else fails, I've heard if you press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, b, a, select, start is good for getting you out of a bind.

Edited for accuracy

Re: AR as primary

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Veer_G</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I still say that his plan is missing some things.


VeerG where do you and VJJ find this stuff lol.
Re: AR as primary

What guns do you currently own or use? How experienced of a shooter are you? How much money do you have? What is your life expectancy - will you live long enough to complete this list?

In any event, you need air support. You might want to start with an Apache attack helicopter. Later you can get an F16.
Okay so my main suggestion is that you don't need an ambidextrous safety selector. This is my personal opinion but I train that once I see my target I aim and while I'm bringing my rifle up I click the safety off an bring my trigger to a half pull (pulling the trigger halfway without firing a shot until i id my threat) and another tide bit I've seen vids of active shooters everything goes down in a moments notice you more than likely won't have time to retrieve a rifle from the car and go back to the fight before its over. Just a thought. Although I'm not millitarry trained I've undergone alot of train In these areas of skill and all of this is just my personal preferences. Do with it what you want.
1. I dint realize it was 10 years old it popped up on my home page and I clicked on it.
2. This is the best I could explain. if you have a problem understand I give no fucks
You're probably going to give a fuck when you go to jail for NDing your rifle into some drunk dude holding a snickers bar in your backyard...claiming you only pulled the trigger back 50% to the cops taking your statement...
Please get better training
Okay so my main suggestion is that you don't need an ambidextrous safety selector. This is my personal opinion but I train that once I see my target I aim and while I'm bringing my rifle up I click the safety off an bring my trigger to a half pull (pulling the trigger halfway without firing a shot until i id my threat) and another tide bit I've seen vids of active shooters everything goes down in a moments notice you more than likely won't have time to retrieve a rifle from the car and go back to the fight before its over. Just a thought. Although I'm not millitarry trained I've undergone alot of train In these areas of skill and all of this is just my personal preferences. Do with it what you want.

You are a cop, right? ........ I can tell by your "alot of train In these areas of skill" ..........:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Okay so my main suggestion is that you don't need an ambidextrous safety selector. This is my personal opinion but I train that once I see my target I aim and while I'm bringing my rifle up I click the safety off an bring my trigger to a half pull (pulling the trigger halfway without firing a shot until i id my threat) and another tide bit I've seen vids of active shooters everything goes down in a moments notice you more than likely won't have time to retrieve a rifle from the car and go back to the fight before its over. Just a thought. Although I'm not millitarry trained I've undergone alot of train In these areas of skill and all of this is just my personal preferences. Do with it what you want.
