For what it is worth, an 8" barrel is considered by some to be the best balance between shortish barrel length and performance. A reason why the CZ Scorpion Evo 3+ has a 7.9" barrel.
I don't know where the "sweet spot" is for 9mm, but I do have some chrono data from some Federal 124gr +P HST.
Sig P290RS 2.2" barrel = 977fps
CZ SP-01 4.6" barrel = 1200 fps
CZ Scorpion 16" barrel = 1361 fps
So I would guess that an 8" barrel is going to be between the last two at 1250 fps or so?
As per this link ... it would depend on the specific load.
IE , Generally, +P loads would benefit more that "bulk'ish" , lower speed , priced ammo.
In context to sub-sonic loads .. not much increase velocity wise.