I have a lot of HK USP pistols. Full size and compact. 9mm and 45. My newer pistols all have RDS optics in them and I tend to gravitate towards them now. I’d love to outfit my USPs with some Trijicon RMRs…but it doesn’t seem slide machining is an option for them. Not sure what do do with them now. They all run like banshees.
Maybe in terms of modularity and optics USPs are slightly outdated but these are extremely reliable pistols! My main carry/defensive pistol is P2000 9MM with LEM trigger, that thing just runs, wet, dirty, cheap ammo, no hiccups! Check Langdon Tactical or Wright Armory they might have milling options for your pistols.
funny you posted that while I’m looking for a good way to carry multiple loaded moon clips for an M&P R8 (what I would argue is the most practical modernized revolver)
I am of the opinion that the word obsolete is being used incorrectly in the 2A community. The reason I am saying 2A community and not the entire gun owner community worldwide as this seems to be a USA thing only to call things that someone doesn't like anymore as "obsolete' and it's wrong and incorrect. Plus I am also of the opinion that those being the most vocal about things that they consider to be obsolete tend to run mouths more than their own guns.
If you are a strong shooter who can still run irons and don't want a WML, then no the gun isn't obsolete. Is the clock, target and or bad guy going to know the difference between an "obsolete" handgun and a more modular handgun if the times and shot group placements are the same? Will the bad guy know if it was a striker or DA/SA that smoked them in the same window of time from the draw to the shots fired? How about if it was just irons or a red dot equipped EDC? A lot of fallacies to be made by those who don't like certain things and ignorantly calling it obsolete.
I came back a week ago from a 250 class at Gunsite. Red dots were definitely being used but irons were also there as well and the representation of both was 50/50 based on what I have seen. There were guys with irons that were smoking guys with red dots just as much as red dot guys smoking guys that had irons. This was definitely apparent during hammered pair drills for time and during the shoot off duels to see who the best shooter was. So it's not an obsolete thing and again, it's a ignorant thing among some of our fellow 2A community.
Instead, I call it what it is; Not for me. I'm not a revolver guy because I am like a fish out of water especially with the reloads and how to properly hold on as far as grip goes. I am not a DA/SA guy because I don't want two different trigger pulls while doing hammered pairs. I'm either a SA of the 1911 type or a striker guy. I also need to have a way to mount a WML and nowadays a red dot. It's my preferences. Nothing about my personal preferences makes anything else obsolete.
Anyway being that this is a year old thread that's been bumped by others, if the OP is still interested I had found a few places that offers slide milling survices so it can definitely happen if still wishing to pursue.
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There is no such thing as obsolete in the firearms world. In life there is no such thing as a perfect solution, there are only trade-offs.
As it pertains to guns, what is your intended use? What alternatives are available? What features do you value? Which do you value most? What is the cost? Etc.
Is the HK the right tool for the daily carry/CCW use case? Maybe not as much today as in the past, there are many guns which offer a smaller profile, with more capacity, similar reliability, potentially improved ergonomics, at a lower cost...
But, is it "obsolete", of course not. My Dell computer from 2002 is obsolete in the sense that I have no desire to use it nor any use for it. That is not the case with my Mosin Nagant, my 1920s S&W .38spl revolver, or my HK USP. Just like a classic car does not become obsolete, neither does a gun. Its intended use case just changes from a day-to-day tool to a take it out on the weekends proposition.