And meanwhile, little Timmy here is loading more ammo, and has taken to keeping a spare set of body armor in the truck. Some folks at work think I'm paranoid, but most are asking where I got it, how much it costs and how long it takes to be delivered. The irony is that many are fairly progressive, but even they can see the underlying frustration and anger by many, stoked by the media and the left wing extremists.
In the weekly staff meetings at work, the Director often makes a comment when the potential of internal conflict comes up; "If something goes down, my bet is on the Marine in the room handling it." Everyone looks at me, and I just say "weapons and armor are like a parachute; you'll rarely, if ever need them, but when you do, nothing else will really suffice"....and I just shrug and go back to taking notes.
Being behind enemy lines so-to-speak, I think if something does happen here, it will happen quickly, and violently.
Prepare accordingly.