Army introduces new plan to win WW3.

Our military has other entertainers as well.
Apparent mental illness no longer prevents enlistment.
Yeah, that will save us. What America needs is a couple of felons trying to ryhme and a fag to take a few shots in the ass.

We are utterly fucked, what we really need is a brave hero like Wade2big to defend the nation he so despises by using all of his basement dweller skills to ward off the pending doom. Wade can hold more semen than a battleship and more pooper troopers than the 101st he is as tough as they come.
Well....the Navy has always been a little questionable when it comes to gender.
I played Captains Guard on the USS Truxton for a westpac ride., the stories I wished I could forget.
Yeah, that will save us. What America needs is a couple of felons trying to ryhme and a fag to take a few shots in the ass.

We are utterly fucked, what we really need is a brave hero like @Wade2big to defend the nation he so despises by using all of his basement dweller skills to ward off the pending doom. Wade can hold more semen than a battleship and more pooper troopers than the 101st he is as tough as they come.
FIFY......If you're going to call the man out at least summon him the correct way.......I am going to get my popcorn ready....... :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, that will save us. What America needs is a couple of felons trying to ryhme and a fag to take a few shots in the ass.

We are utterly fucked, what we really need is a brave hero like Wade2big to defend the nation he so despises by using all of his basement dweller skills to ward off the pending doom. Wade can hold more semen than a battleship and more pooper troopers than the 101st he is as tough as they come.
Can we accelerate the dc collapse, please? This is embarrassing

Edit: To any foreign intel reading this. Please, we need you to know that the majority(and I mean the vast majority) of people here don’t agree with anything dc is doing. Take it out in them. We also have an order of magnitude more guns than you think we do, fyi
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FIFY......If you're going to call the man out at least summon him the correct way.......I am going to get my popcorn ready....... :ROFLMAO:
I deleted a longer post to simplify.

I appreciate you tagging me but I’m not going to waste my time arguing with big gov’t statist fucks. The world’s govt’s and the men that work for/with these sadistic organizations, without exception, are on the side of evil whether they understand this or not. It’s plain to see although most choose not to.
I deleted a longer post to simplify.

I appreciate you tagging me but I’m not going to waste my time arguing with big gov’t statist fucks. The world’s govt’s and the men that work for/with these sadistic organizations, without exception, are on the side of evil whether they understand this or not. It’s plain to see although most choose not to.

Please oh king of mama's basement, tell us how it is evil to work for the public utility companies? You always buy our electricity, water, sewer, garbage services or mommy does. How awful is it........................all that clean, disease free water to make your mac and cheese with?

Why not share your tactical and strategic genius? How would you use that marginal public school education to defeat the communists? Or was it homeschooling? So are you a General in your mystery army? Or have you had trouble getting promoted? Inquiring minds want to know.

I've never really thought a garbage truck was sadistic or evil, but it does treat the trash badly. Those horrible utilities......................forcing people like you to be cool in the summer and warm in the winter..................omg, they are horrible. :ROFLMAO: