Re: At what point do your cases become too short?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rusty815</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Can we stop the bickering about lee? Jeez, it seems that whenever a question about reloading equipment comes up, the Lee bashers come in.
I'm not going to say that all Lee equipment is great, but most are definitely good. I have in my possession, among other brands, two Lee presses, the Lee perfect powder measure, and the Lee scale. Using all of this equipment, I have loaded some of the most accurate loads I have ever made, the Lee Classic Cast turret press (with RCBS dies) load my rounds to the exact length every time, and its priming system and primer catching system is superb, which is all I can ask for this. I also have a Lee reloader press (the cheap aluminum C frame press) with a Lee decapping Die (the only Lee die I own, all others are RCBS and Redding), and this pair have decapped some 2000 cases now without a hiccup. The scale is repeatable and the powder measure throws close to whatever powder I want, if I'm a bit short I have a trickler (Lyman) to get the exact load I want. So lets stop with the Lee bashing and get on with what the op asked.
To answer the op, I believe that your cases are too short and you should toss them, and I will repeat the advice I have given above about only trimming when the cases exceed the maximum case length. </div></div>
Thanks, Rusty. I never claimed to be an expert reloader so if I can take a lesson away from this despite the banter then I'm happy.