The machine gun restriction is actually kind of funny because back then machine guns weren't expensive, but the $200 tax stamp was more expensive than the gun itself so that detoured people from wanting to buy them due to not being able to afford the tax. However, inflation had no effect on the tax so today it's the same $200 tax stamp, but now the machine gun itself is over $20k thanks to the Huges' Amendment. And by funny, I don't mean in a positive way. There's nothing positive about infringing on our rights.
I know there's still lawmakers out there that believe that an SBS is actually more dangerous and deadly than a full length shotgun. I get the feeling that these lawmakers base all their retarded arguments over crime drama movies they've seen. And while we're picking away at the NFA, what about suppressors? Suppressors weren't put on the list due to hitmen or the mafia or anything like that. Wanna know why they were put on the list? Because of poachers during the Great Depression breaking hunting laws to feed their starving families. And what about AOWs? That's just them saying "well, we don't know what it is, but let's restrict it anyways".