The ATF is taking comments for the next 6 days. I may get a strongly worded letter back (or strongly kicked door and shot dog) for my comments, but if you'd like, comments are open.
If you need a place to start, here is what i wrote. It probably has some misspelling or improper use of commas, but my screen is small, my keyboard sucks, I wrote it in one setting, and my eyes aren't what they used to be:
Although there are many firearm components that are often reviewed and come under scrutiny that I do not own, I am displeased that at the incessant continual changes in rulings as a whim of opinion; often fueled by uninformed and biased information stated as of late. Beyond the many " shall not be infringed" comments that are sure to be given, I'd like to point to Article I, Section 9, Clause 3:
"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
Both federal and state governments are prohibited from enacting ex post facto laws, and the Court applies the same analysis whether the law in question is a federal or a state enactment."
Many rulings have been meted out, (often unconstitutionally in one form or another as laws are not to be set by nameless corporations, special interests, unelected officials, etc.) Yet somehow an Agency has usurped the ability to dictate what legally purchased personal property is allowed to be utilized for its intended purpose, and what is not with the changing of the seasons.
And in a sudden rush of decision against a grip angle, sling, "furniture" component, etc can make law abiding citizens, many of whom utilize their own time, finances, and resources in training to become defenders of our nation as future soldiers, police officers, and security personnel outside your own offices- into criminals. Many unacquainted and unable to complete the paperwork and legalities of an ever changing mark drawn with the blowing of the wind. This, thereby creates additional tumults of opinions, frustration, and distrust of the decisions given amongst the populace.
We, the people need a check and balance seen in the decisions up and coming. We desire, and demand the liberty and freedom granted as safeguards against overreaching faction in Government, and appreciate the open sessions of comment taking such as this to voice our concerns.
To many, all nfa rulings are taxation without representation. In a civil society there is always a balancing act of liberty and security, and as such many of the nfa rulings have come to pass. Some rulings should be overturned as their effects do not meet the reasoning behind their intent (suppressors for example. More of a medical device and safety device than an item grouped in with rate of fire and explosive devices.) However, I concede that some review of industry equipment warrants deep considerations especially as technology continues to innovate and advance.
However, a ruling against an accesory- a piece of hardware such as a pistol brace does not alter the firing rate, velocity, or ballistics of a weapon it is placed on. Making a brace an nfa item would further illegitimise the nfa list itself, and negatively effect countless millions of otherwise upright and law following citizens of our nation. If choosing to do so, it would show the general callous and disregard for our laws, articles, and open comments given, and an autonomous, despotic, and factious serving state of governance. May we all bridge the gap and show give and take in these rulings. Allowing reason over passions and special interest groups.
God bless America. We need it.
May be longer than I thought.
Good luck gents.
TLDR- ATF stop sticking your nose where it don't belong.

If you need a place to start, here is what i wrote. It probably has some misspelling or improper use of commas, but my screen is small, my keyboard sucks, I wrote it in one setting, and my eyes aren't what they used to be:
Although there are many firearm components that are often reviewed and come under scrutiny that I do not own, I am displeased that at the incessant continual changes in rulings as a whim of opinion; often fueled by uninformed and biased information stated as of late. Beyond the many " shall not be infringed" comments that are sure to be given, I'd like to point to Article I, Section 9, Clause 3:
"No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
Both federal and state governments are prohibited from enacting ex post facto laws, and the Court applies the same analysis whether the law in question is a federal or a state enactment."
Many rulings have been meted out, (often unconstitutionally in one form or another as laws are not to be set by nameless corporations, special interests, unelected officials, etc.) Yet somehow an Agency has usurped the ability to dictate what legally purchased personal property is allowed to be utilized for its intended purpose, and what is not with the changing of the seasons.
And in a sudden rush of decision against a grip angle, sling, "furniture" component, etc can make law abiding citizens, many of whom utilize their own time, finances, and resources in training to become defenders of our nation as future soldiers, police officers, and security personnel outside your own offices- into criminals. Many unacquainted and unable to complete the paperwork and legalities of an ever changing mark drawn with the blowing of the wind. This, thereby creates additional tumults of opinions, frustration, and distrust of the decisions given amongst the populace.
We, the people need a check and balance seen in the decisions up and coming. We desire, and demand the liberty and freedom granted as safeguards against overreaching faction in Government, and appreciate the open sessions of comment taking such as this to voice our concerns.
To many, all nfa rulings are taxation without representation. In a civil society there is always a balancing act of liberty and security, and as such many of the nfa rulings have come to pass. Some rulings should be overturned as their effects do not meet the reasoning behind their intent (suppressors for example. More of a medical device and safety device than an item grouped in with rate of fire and explosive devices.) However, I concede that some review of industry equipment warrants deep considerations especially as technology continues to innovate and advance.
However, a ruling against an accesory- a piece of hardware such as a pistol brace does not alter the firing rate, velocity, or ballistics of a weapon it is placed on. Making a brace an nfa item would further illegitimise the nfa list itself, and negatively effect countless millions of otherwise upright and law following citizens of our nation. If choosing to do so, it would show the general callous and disregard for our laws, articles, and open comments given, and an autonomous, despotic, and factious serving state of governance. May we all bridge the gap and show give and take in these rulings. Allowing reason over passions and special interest groups.
God bless America. We need it.
May be longer than I thought.
Good luck gents.
TLDR- ATF stop sticking your nose where it don't belong.