How did you get into the magnification settings? I’ve been tinkering with it today but can’t seem to get past the basic five items on the menu. Looks like the ballistic app does not synch with it from what I’ve tried so far, but not a big deal.
Sounds like you're getting into the quick menu with a short press of the menu button, a longer press & hold should get you into the more detailed menu... Agreed on the ballistics app, could be cool but not a deal breaker for me either. Hopefully I can get out tonight and try to put a coyote down
Kudos to @Overwatch260 on the 1x menu setting. I was also able to figure out synching the ballistic app to the unit. Took a while of tweaking bc to get to match my Kestrel but good enough out to 300m now which is likely as far as I’ll ever shoot pigs/coyotes at night. REALLY impressed with this unit, and so far glad I didn’t get the RH25 v2 I nearly purchased a couple weeks ago. Time will tell on zeroing process and if will hold zero, but so far loving this unit. Pic shows the solution as it comes up, and is generated pretty quick. Only complaint so far is the WiFi is a little slow to connect. Would need to connect at beginning of hunt and leave powered up the whole time, which may be an issue the way I typically hunt. Doubtful gonna be able to make it out next weekend due to work, but now trying to move stuff around so I can get out the following week.