Atlas Bipod issue-wish I had known!


Old enough to know better
Full Member
Apr 2, 2005
Iowa City, Iowa
Hi, I'm posting this up as an FYI, it something I wish I had known before I ordered an Atlas bipod!

I saved my pennies and bought a B10 V8 bipod. It came and I was incredibly happy with the apparent build quality and couldn't wait to get it on my rifle. I mounted it up, dropped the legs to max length and dropped down behind. Here's the problem- when extended to max length theres ALOT of "slop" between the upper and lower leg. It's fine if you shorten it one notch and better if you shorten it two. But at max length it moves alot, which sucks for me as I'm 6'5" and will use it maxed most of the time... (Continued in the next post).
I am not sure why you need to max the bipod out? I am 6' 2" and when shooting prone, I can go all the way collapsed or up a notch, maybe 2. I tend to shoot a pretty low position, and terrain can make a difference, but a lower position helps your body mass absorb recoil better without it affecting follow-up shots.
You can get leg extensions that snap in between the feet and the legs. 3" versions should run about $60.
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Yeah that sucks if it is not what you expected. Most Atlases need a little load to firm them up. This is the best practice for using a bipod anyhow. Try making a habit of getting straight behind the rifle and putting just enough forward pressure to firm up the bipod. You might end up liking it a lot more than your first impression.
So I contacted Atlas and received a prompt reply from Brandi, who was very friendly:

"Yes, it is normal to have play in the legs on the BT10 especially when they are fully extended

Our PSR models will have less play in the legs and we do offer a tall our BT47 PSR Atlas Bipod that ranges from 7-13 inches"

She told me about their trade in program that offered me 50% of what I paid for mine towards the PSR that apparently fixes that issue. As mine was less than a month old I politely declined. Unfortunately I can't return mine so that's not an option either.

So I guess my best option is to order a set of extensions for the legs and give up some of the adjustability by not fully extending them. Again, a mostly great product and good customer service response, but apparently this is a known issue with this model that they "fixed" in the newer one. I wish I had known that before I bought mine. Just FYI.
That's a little more telling then. The tall PSR might be your ticket then. I'd post up on the PX. Can probably sell the V8 with minimal loss and pick up a tall PSR for a good price
Thanks for the advice guys, but I wasn't posting to try to get a solution to the problem (now I know how my fiance feels! Lol). I don't have the option of returning it or I would have already.

I've decided I'm going to buy the extension legs to make it usable until I can buy something different from a different manufacturer, then I'll sell this one used. I just can't get past the bad taste in my mouth of a company knowing it has an issue and not standing behind it better. I'm sure Atlas will do just fine without any more of my money. And maybe my post will keep someone else from making the mistake that I did.

SO, anyone have a suggestion for a bipod that doesn't wobble on it's last two clicks???
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Huh and I thought the only thing not to like about the BT10 was the fact that the legs can spin... The PSR (tall) is a solid choice, but it sounds like at this point you might be Atlas-averse. There's this that I've heard great things about:

But now you're in another price bracket entirely, the high one...

For its size and capability, don't entirely cross the PSR off your list, Harris maybe...?

Just for the record I use a PSR with Hawk Hill feet (amazing product) and I have a pair of extensions in my range bag, this kit has not failed me yet and swaps between 2 rifles.
I'm confused... what was the point of your post then, if not to get a solution to the problem? Kasey chimed in above you and is probably going to try and get you sorted out, even thought your "problem" definitely isn't a problem at all.

Have you tried shooting off of the bipod with the legs fully extended? Sure there will be more play in the legs when fully extended vice not-extended... that is inherent in the design. Any "telescoping" device is going to have linearly more play as you extend it, because the overlap of the interior/exterior leg is reduced. If they designed it to be rock-solid in the fully extended position (where there is only marginal overlap) then the tolerances would be so tight that it would bind like crazy any time you try to adjust the length.

I'm sure they could manufacture them that way, with tight-as-shit tolerances, but it would be more expensive, and frankly, just wouldn't be suited towards any type of field use.

That little bit of wobble in the legs, will actually aid you when preloading the bipod. As you take up all that slack, you will still end up with a rock solid shooting position, and recoil will just drive the rifle straight back, and then forward again into a preloaded state.

If your only real concern is with the height of the bipod, then by all means try to trade up to the longer leg version, but you are still going to have some play in the legs even if they aren't fully extended.
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B6- I bought the bipod that by it's specs would do what I wanted. I didn't want to spend the money or have the longer legs of the psr if I didn't need to. Unfortunately I found out that using the bipod WITHIN ITS PUBLISHED specs was unacceptable. To use it as it should be I give up two notches of it's adjustment, which is enough to make it too short for my purposes. I bought what I thought I needed based on THEIR specs and it's NOT as useable as it should be within those parameters. Then to find out that they know it's an issue and they have made an "improved" model which they'll be GLAD to sell me for nearly twice what I paid for this one sucks, imho. If that doesn't pass your "logic" test then I don't know what to tell you.
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My point of my post was to warm anyone else who was considering buying one and using it at it's max height about the wobble issue. Trying to put out info I wish I had known to cover my brothers on the hide.
Xander- no, I have yet to shoot it, and maybe it will be ok. I appreciate the advice. I'm ordering the leg extensions today which should make it usable, and yes I'm salty about having to spend another $50 to make a $200 bipod work right!
One last observation that may clean things up is simply forward-loading the bipod as you should be prior to making a good shot, might that take up the "slop" and lock up the wobble in use? I'm fairly certain the BT10 will handle the intended loading while extended, even though I think I get what you're saying.
I feel the issue starts with not knowing where you wanted it to be. It's not an issue that there is play with it at the top of it's adjustment, that is to be expected of anything.

Had you thought about this logically, then you would have gone to a longer version from the beginning. As with any piece of equipment, the mind and max doesn't mean it's 100% perfect at those points, just that it's capable of doing the job there.

I personally got a short one, but ordered the leg extensions at the same time, knowing that I may require more length at some point.
B6- I bought the bipod that by it's specs would do what I wanted. I didn't want to spend the money or have the longer legs of the psr if I didn't need to. Unfortunately I found out that using the bipod WITHIN ITS PUBLISHED specs was unacceptable. To use it as it should be I give up two notches of it's adjustment, which is enough to make it too short for my purposes. I bought what I thought I needed based on THEIR specs and it's NOT as useable as it should be within those parameters. Then to find out that they know it's an issue and they have made an "improved" model which they'll be GLAD to sell me for nearly twice what I paid for this one sucks, imho. If that doesn't pass your "logic" test then I don't know what to tell you.
it seems like you didn't quite know what you were getting into when you got the bipod. just cause it can be used at max, doesnt mean it's the best idea to at all times, especially when the same company has since made a new and improved one, which also has a height that would have fit you much better. and they were released like what 4 years ago??

so i should take my nikon D5 and throw it on a super duper carbon tripod, extend it to max length but leave the legs only inches apart, then blame the tripod company when it blows over? No, you're taking the physical limitations of a product and deciding that's where it should be run instead of finding a product that does what you want from the start, say a taller tripod that can run its legs wide open to get desired height, or in your case a bipod with taller legs from the factory
I'm salty about having to spend another $50 to make a $200 bipod work right!

The bipod functions 100% perfectly at all leg positions, despite the slightly increased amount of play during extension that you are experiencing. I'm telling you, go lay on your living room floor and shoulder up to the rifle with the bipod fully extended. If the tiny bit of play in the legs affects your shooting position stability in any way, its not the bipod's fault...
"Thanks for the advice guys, but I wasn't posting to try to get a solution to the problem" Might just explain why my question went un-answered! LOL

"I just can't get past the bad taste in my mouth of a company knowing it has an issue and not standing behind it better. I'm sure Atlas will do just fine without any more of my money. And maybe my post will keep someone else from making the mistake that I did."

Fact, minimum inner leg contact allows for more heigth from a given inner/outer leg length, meaning a leg that extends 2.5" will have less tolerance than one that moves 3". We chose the max heigth KNOWING there would be more tolerance there, tolerance that magically goes away when used. This is not an "issue" simply a choice between models. This thought comes to mind - Full size spare or donut? Give me the donut. Then, the car company sucks because they sold me a donut....

If you bought from us you can get full refund, the taste in your mouth is your problem.
Ignorance is not an issue, and maxing out any product will cause some unexpected side effects

If you push a Harris bipod leg all the way in, it will move on the springs that deploy them, so when at the lowest setting people experience more bounce. "Issue" ?

If you bought a low model bipod and don't like the legs 100% extended, get the leg extensions and bring the leg in a notch or two.

The fact a person does not know how things work when you use something is not an "issue" as much as ignorance in the operator of said products.

There are all sorts of unintended consequences of using things beyond the limits or at max.

Recoil management is about taking up the slack in a bipod system, if you increase the amount of movement by having the legs extended, you adjust how you load the bipod. It's pretty easy to take out.
The reason they offer the PSR is because of the rotating feet (which some people don't have an issue with) and also there is less play to load. Some people like have more, some like having less.

There are videos out there showing the differences in the two.

Sounds like you may not have researched much before you made a purchase and you went with the cheaper one because, well.....its cheaper.

When a company that offers high quality products offers one a noticeable price difference, there's a reason. The reason's aren't going to be bad, just different. Always make sure you are aware of the reasons behind the price difference.

Also, its probably not a wise idea to post "warnings" to fellow users (who have likely used the bipod extensively) when you haven't put it through any range time yet.

Here is a very popular video explaining the differences. He mentions the less play in the PSR.

Also notice when he has the BT extended all the way, you can see the movement you are talking about.

The info was out there prior to your purchase.

Very helpful in explaining the different models. Anywhere in particular to look for a decent price on these?

Most places have them pretty much around the same prices. You won't find any huge price reductions unless you get a discount code specific to a website that doesn't have restrictions on which product.

Best place is to keep an eye on the PX here and have paypal ready to go ASAP. They go very fast for good deals.
B6- I bought the bipod that by it's specs would do what I wanted. I didn't want to spend the money or have the longer legs of the psr if I didn't need to. Unfortunately I found out that using the bipod WITHIN ITS PUBLISHED specs was unacceptable. To use it as it should be I give up two notches of it's adjustment, which is enough to make it too short for my purposes. I bought what I thought I needed based on THEIR specs and it's NOT as useable as it should be within those parameters. Then to find out that they know it's an issue and they have made an "improved" model which they'll be GLAD to sell me for nearly twice what I paid for this one sucks, imho. If that doesn't pass your "logic" test then I don't know what to tell you.

Unacceptable to you because you are a novice shooter locked into a narrow and false preconception of how to employ a bipod. Now you want to come out with a load of crap about how BT sold you something defective. It is not defective, you are too ignorant to properly load the bipod. You could do your self a favor and sign up for the online training where Frank has a video that demonstrates how to use a bipod. If you still have questions post them to that thread and Frank likely will answer them. When you keep coming on here insisting that there is something wrong with your bipod because is wobbles too much, you just make it look like you are too dumb to load the bipod.

Obviously you are not going to be happy with this bipod. A Harris bipod is much stiffer and can be bought for half of what you could sell the used V8 for in the for sale section here. Just sell it get a Harris, make your self happy.
Wow, just wow. Apparently because I have a complaint about a product I'm ignorant about how to use that product. The fact that I've shot off of a Harris and a versapod for well over 20 years apparently accounts for nothing. So fine, I'm a noob.
I actually did a ton of research before I bought this, apparently missed that video though, and to answer your question Kasey, I bought it from Brownells. Thru a department order, so if I returned it the credit would go back on the city card and I'd have a hell of a time getting my money back from them.
As I've said multiple times, and this will be the last, I'm keeping the bipod, I'm just not thrilled at the play when the legs are extended. I expected better based on your reputation, and quite honestly the rest of the bipod is a thing of beauty.
Again, I'm not asking for advice on how to fix it, nor how to run a rifle with a bipod. My point was to inform anyone else considering this model about the issue I have with it. Hopefully it will sell the more expensive model for you if someone is on the fence! Thanks for the well meant advice, I'm 10-7, 10-42. Gnite.
You're an idiot. If you love Harris and Versa so much, you should have bought one.

Nobody needs your PSA. You brought up something you don't like, received plenty of advice on how to adjust...and you ignore it. You just want to bitch and you're surprised people don't want to listen?

Now everybody's out to get you, we're all conspiring against you because you don't like a well established product. Whatever.

If you run into an asshole in the morning, he's just an asshole... don't sweat it. If you run into assholes all day long, YOU'RE the asshole.
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Seems unfair to criticize a product that doesn't work the way you think it should work as a newer user. You've got a pretty exacting expectation for the bipod, which is fine. But that does not mean the bipod is a problem, it just means you didn't pick the right tool for your particular tastes.

People are giving you a hard time and I think what you are saying is "I wish the Atlas description had said there is some slack to be taken up and that there is more slack at max height! And if I had known this I never would have bought it because that doesn't meet my personal preference."

Understandable to feel that way, but the product does exactly what it is designed to do. There are rigs with less slack, but I don't want one because I think some slack is a good thing. YMMV.
Thanks for the advice guys, but I wasn't posting to try to get a solution to the problem (now I know how my fiance feels! Lol). I don't have the option of returning it or I would have already.

I've decided I'm going to buy the extension legs to make it usable until I can buy something different from a different manufacturer, then I'll sell this one used. I just can't get past the bad taste in my mouth of a company knowing it has an issue and not standing behind it better. I'm sure Atlas will do just fine without any more of my money. And maybe my post will keep someone else from making the mistake that I did.

SO, anyone have a suggestion for a bipod that doesn't wobble on it's last two clicks???

This is what I take exception to.

B&T strives to deliver the best customer service possible and that starts with delivering products that deliver what is described. There have been 4-7 "new" bipods introduced since the Atlas because the Atlas did not satisfy all shooters.

If you will contact Brandi and provide her a copy of your PO we will give full value in trade for a PSR version.
This is what I take exception to.

B&T strives to deliver the best customer service possible and that starts with delivering products that deliver what is described. There have been 4-7 "new" bipods introduced since the Atlas because the Atlas did not satisfy all shooters.

If you will contact Brandi and provide her a copy of your PO we will give full value in trade for a PSR version.
Amazing- We have only seen class act after class act from you and your company Kasey. Never anything else. The Hide is lucky to have you participate.
Kasey you have gone a hell of a lot further than I would have! Customer satisfaction is obviously at the top B&Ts list! I'll be honest there is no way in hell I would offer full value on something I didn't even sell directly! Hell it looks to me like he didn't even actually buy the thing. Props to B&T!
This is what I take exception to.

B&T strives to deliver the best customer service possible and that starts with delivering products that deliver what is described. There have been 4-7 "new" bipods introduced since the Atlas because the Atlas did not satisfy all shooters.

If you will contact Brandi and provide her a copy of your PO we will give full value in trade for a PSR version.
Wow! That's awesome!
Guys I appreciate your support, sincerely. We either practice what we preach regarding customer service or we are lying. I believe OP was sharing his thoughts and observations and like all of us at one time or another, wish we could have do-overs on our choice of words. I'm done with this thread as I believe the subject, as far as I'm concerned, has been addressed. What OP chooses to do is his business and will remain so. Again, thank you.
Kasey- thanks for your offer, I do sincerely appreciate it and I will take you up on it. I also apologize about my choice of words in regards to your customer service. I had my feathers ruffled and they were unfair. So let me try a do over here-

1. I bought a bipod that I had hoped would suit my needs based on the reputation of your company and tons of good reviews. I chose that model thinking that it would meet my needs even at it's maximum.
2. When I received it I was unhappy with how it worked at it's maximum. I was unhappy with myself for choosing the "cheaper" option and being "stuck" with it because of how I bought it, which was also to try to save money. Neither of which have ANYTHING to do with your company.
3. When I contacted Brandi she was very professional, but unfortunately the only fix she had was to offer 50% of what I had just paid for the bipod towards a new one or to use the extension legs and lose some of the adjustment range. Both good and valid offers but neither sat well.
4. So I posted up here with my review and "bitch". I was honest when I said had I known about the play at max I would have bought a different model. I hoped to maybe save someone else from making the same mistake I made, and yes, it was MY mistake.
5. Other than the play at max extension the bipod is a piece of art, as I mentioned above. And I appreciate you not being happy with a bad review. That shows you do care about your end user.
B&T strives to deliver the best customer service possible and that starts with delivering products that deliver what is described. There have been 4-7 "new" bipods introduced since the Atlas because the Atlas did not satisfy all shooters. If you will contact Brandi and provide her a copy of your PO we will give full value in trade for a PSR version.[/QUOTE said:
This is exemplary customer service.. Probably the best in the business. I own 4 Atlas bipods and I just ordered a CAL. Customer for life. Period.
"Thanks for the advice guys, but I wasn't posting to try to get a solution to the problem" Might just explain why my question went un-answered! LOL

"I just can't get past the bad taste in my mouth of a company knowing it has an issue and not standing behind it better. I'm sure Atlas will do just fine without any more of my money. And maybe my post will keep someone else from making the mistake that I did."

Fact, minimum inner leg contact allows for more heigth from a given inner/outer leg length, meaning a leg that extends 2.5" will have less tolerance than one that moves 3". We chose the max heigth KNOWING there would be more tolerance there, tolerance that magically goes away when used. This is not an "issue" simply a choice between models. This thought comes to mind - Full size spare or donut? Give me the donut. Then, the car company sucks because they sold me a donut....

If you bought from us you can get full refund, the taste in your mouth is your problem.

Jesus. I shall be neither doing business with Atlas nor further participating in this form.

Really? The dude buys what’s touted as the latest greatest water walking penis enlarging two legged rifle rest on the market, and is disappointed that it’s about as solid as a sack of kittens.

Then holy shit here comes the brand loyalists. And the company owner with snide comments toward his customer. Nope.

If you have to save to buy a $200 bipod you are in the wrong sport. Atlas is a top notch company and makes excellent products that they always stand behind.

Ah. So those of us who have to actually save to buy the things we want are excluded from your little fantasy sniper land? Ever cross your mind that some of us aren’t competitors, but rather blue collar guys trying to enjoy learning a new fascet of Marksmanship?

You're an idiot. If you love Harris and Versa so much, you should have bought one.

Nobody needs your PSA. You brought up something you don't like, received plenty of advice on how to adjust...and you ignore it. You just want to bitch and you're surprised people don't want to listen?

Now everybody's out to get you, we're all conspiring against you because you don't like a well established product. Whatever.

If you run into an asshole in the morning, he's just an asshole... don't sweat it. If you run into assholes all day long, YOU'RE the asshole.

Oooooh and good ole fashion grade school name calling! Exactly how weapons enthusiasts should behave.

Anyhoo. Good on Kasey for offering a way for the OP to funnel more money into his company.

I’d have expected a refund.
@Swampcrawler65 you're new here...maybe we should leave it at that. But you're more than slightly off base with about every comment you made.

I hope you don't stay.

Aaah so I suppose new folks get shoved into the hole of shame with those who have to save for things and those who are disappointed in your super most favoritest product?

I had really thought highly of the people and info here until this thread.
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