Atlas Bipod issue-wish I had known!

Aaah so I suppose new folks get shoved into the hole of shame with those who have to save for things and those who are disappointed in your super most favoritest product?

I had really thought highly of the people and info here until this thread.
It's not that you're new. Well maybe. But going back to the original topic there were other options the OP had but didn't take advantage. For example PSR (and tall version). That would have better fit his needs. Anyone here would have told him that. Kasey would have told him that has he called to ask which model would be better.

Has the OP taken suggestions and admitted he made a mistake instead of blame the product and company for his misunderstanding but instead he trashed Kasey and his company; someone who has done. Shitload for this sport. How many people on the Hide have an Atlas? How many have 3 or more?

As far as saving for things. Lots of us do. But we also do substantial research and ask the right questions too if we can't find answers. There's enough knowledgeable people here and we're here to help. But...if you don't want help then come off like a jackwagon and you'll be treated as such.
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It's not that you're new. Well maybe. But going back to the original topic there were other options the OP had but didn't take advantage. For example PSR (and tall version). That would have better fit his needs. Anyone here would have told him that. Kasey would have told him that has he called to ask which model would be better.

Has the OP taken suggestions and admitted he made a mistake instead of blame the product and company for his misunderstanding but instead he trashed Kasey and his company; someone who has done. Shitload for this sport. How many people on the Hide have an Atlas? How many have 3 or more?

As far as saving for things. Lots of us do. But we also do substantial research and ask the right questions too if we can't find answers. There's enough knowledgeable people here and we're here to help. But...if you don't want help then come off like a jackwagon and you'll be treated as such.

The OP did eventually cave and apologize. For some reason.

Any other product that doesn’t deliver what is expected is subject to the internet complaint department. Gun forums are fantastic about this. They hold the supporting industry to a very high standard. Good products are put on a pedestal and flaws are pointed out.

The Atlas has slop in the legs. The OP shared this, his disappointment in it, and in the fact that he was told he could not be fully refunded for the product.

And he shared it in a very polite and reasonable way until the fanboy club jumped his shit.
The OP did eventually cave and apologize. For some reason.

Any other product that doesn’t deliver what is expected is subject to the internet complaint department. Gun forums are fantastic about this. They hold the supporting industry to a very high standard. Good products are put on a pedestal and flaws are pointed out.

The Atlas has slop in the legs. The OP shared this, his disappointment in it, and in the fact that he was told he could not be fully refunded for the product.

And he shared it in a very polite and reasonable way until the fanboy club jumped his shit.
Most products you open and use can't be refunded
Guy didn’t do his research or use simple logic.

When you extend anything extendable to its maximum length, it’s going to be less stable than when not at the maximum height.

One of the first things that comes up when you start researching atlas bipod is how they have more pre-load than something like a Harris.

Also, when you see a company selling multiple models of something (especially with a price difference) you should be researching the difference in models. You will find one of the differences between the two basic models is the amount of pre-load.

Now, did some people flame the OP a little more than necessary? Possibly, but that’s anywhere you go online.
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The OP did eventually cave and apologize. For some reason.

Any other product that doesn’t deliver what is expected is subject to the internet complaint department. Gun forums are fantastic about this. They hold the supporting industry to a very high standard. Good products are put on a pedestal and flaws are pointed out.

The Atlas has slop in the legs. The OP shared this, his disappointment in it, and in the fact that he was told he could not be fully refunded for the product.

And he shared it in a very polite and reasonable way until the fanboy club jumped his shit.

Is it possible that there are two people as stupid as the OP, or did the OP come back with a new name to continue to run his mouth.
Guy didn’t do his research or use simple logic.

When you extend anything extendable to its maximum length, it’s going to be less stable than when not at the maximum height.

One of the first things that comes up when you start researching atlas bipod is how they have more pre-load than something like a Harris.

Also, when you see a company selling multiple models of something (especially with a price difference) you should be researching the difference in models. You will find one of the differences between the two basic models is the amount of pre-load.

Now, did some people flame the OP a little more than necessary? Possibly, but that’s anywhere you go online.

I appreciate the logical reply. Some folks like @diverdon have difficultly summoning the vocabulary to create coherent and useful thoughts. I suppose there’s some merrit to what they say about divers losing their marbles pretty early in life.

Anyhow. I’ve seen it said a couple times in this thread that a Harris is more solid. Don’t the Harris legs also extend?

Is it reasonable to suggest that if the OP experienced less slack from the Harris, he could have expected equivalent or less from the Atlas?

What designe feature allows Harris to also extend without losing rigidity?
I appreciate the logical reply. Some folks like @diverdon have difficultly summoning the vocabulary to create coherent and useful thoughts. I suppose there’s some merrit to what they say about divers losing their marbles pretty early in life.

Anyhow. I’ve seen it said a couple times in this thread that a Harris is more solid. Don’t the Harris legs also extend?

Is it reasonable to suggest that if the OP experienced less slack from the Harris, he could have expected equivalent or less from the Atlas?

What designe feature allows Harris to also extend without losing rigidity?

How many times have you been banned using different names? Not to worry they will keep you seat warm over at
I appreciate the logical reply. Some folks like @diverdon have difficultly summoning the vocabulary to create coherent and useful thoughts. I suppose there’s some merrit to what they say about divers losing their marbles pretty early in life.

Anyhow. I’ve seen it said a couple times in this thread that a Harris is more solid. Don’t the Harris legs also extend?

Is it reasonable to suggest that if the OP experienced less slack from the Harris, he could have expected equivalent or less from the Atlas?

What designe feature allows Harris to also extend without losing rigidity?

I wouldn’t call it more “solid,” it’s just a different design. The Harris legs only open to one position and can’t do anything else. So, I may have been incorrect in my comments on the extended height being the main reason. It’s likely in the articulating joint.

The atlas allows for much more options in leg positions.

I can’t comment on the actual design behind the atlas(I didn’t design it, so I’d never presume to know), so, it could be the play is purposely built in as pre-load, or it could be a bi-product of the multiple position design that shooters turned into a very good method (pre-loading).

I’d say it’s a very good chance the OP has used Harris (most people have as they are cheaper) and thought “this is how all bipods should feel.”

However, that goes back to the research part. For $200+, yes you expect a product to perform (the atlas absolutely performs, that’s the reason it’s the industry standard), but you also should be researching what you are spending your money on.

Also, it’s typically not a good idea to publicly come online and put out things that may look like you are bashing what is clearly the industry standard in something.
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nor further participating in this form
Jesus. I shall be neither doing business with Atlas nor further participating in this form.

Six posts later........still here, runnin yer mouth.

Looking for a way to take it back and stay without losing face, eh?

Let me help you with that, there ain’t one.

So why don’t you be a man, stand by your convictions and fuck right out’a here already.
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Six posts later........still here, runnin yer mouth.

Looking for a way to take it back and stay without losing face, eh?

Let me help you with that, there ain’t one.

So why don’t you be a man, stand by your convictions and fuck right out’a here already.

Because it’s so much more amusing to “stand by my convictions” and keep defending my statements against the fine folks line yourself who, instead of addressing the issues I laid out, want me to just go away so you can get back harassing those who disagree with you. (y)
Because it’s so much more amusing to “stand by my convictions” and keep defending my statements against the fine folks line yourself who, instead of addressing the issues I laid out, want me to just go away so you can get back harassing those who disagree with you. (y)

Standing by your convictions, is doing what you said, and you said you were getting the fuck out. Not knowing the intricacies of how something works, does not make it an "issue" if you don't like it. I shoot my BT10 at max length to get over the grass all the time, works great. If you have to ask if the Harris legs extend, you are clearly doing nothing but trolling, and we all know how Tucker hates trolls.
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Standing by your convictions, is doing what you said, and you said you were getting the fuck out. Not knowing the intricacies of how something works, does not make it an "issue" if you don't like it. I shoot my BT10 at max length to get over the grass all the time, works great. If you have to ask if the Harris legs extend, you are clearly doing nothing but trolling, and we all know how Tucker hates trolls.

Seems that you take exception to the fact that a Harris doesn’t have the issue that is apparently unavoidable with the atlas. :eek:
Not even close. I take exception to people who are too stupid to figure out the difference between an issue, and normal operation. And people who come in here and muddy the waters, people who clearly have no idea what they are talking about.
Let's get something straight here. The Atlas bipods have a little play in the legs, that increases as you extend the legs further out. This is just a byproduct of the fitment tolerances of the legs. Tighten up the tolerances ---> reduce leg play ---> induce binding. Obviously binding is not a good thing when your trying to quickly deploy or stow the legs, so B&T wisely chose not to do that. Through all of this, B&T was doing testing I'm sure, and they discovered that this little bit of play is easily taken up as you preload the bipod, and is actually encouraging proper fundamentals b/c it allows the rifle to recoil straight back into your shoulder pocket, and then forward again into the preloaded position.

As far as the Harris bipods... they are great. Fair price, simple and effective, arguably faster to deploy than the Atlas. Less slop in the bipod makes them more difficult to preload because they want to slip forward as you load them (unless your on a very grippy terrain). As to how they mitigate slop in the legs, it is most likely due to the spring tension that is in the legs. When you deploy the legs extensions they "shoot" out due to the internal spring, which probably helps take up any slack in the legs.

OP caught flak for his post because of the way he worded his thread title, and his comments through this thread. He could have posted his concerns or questions in a number of other Atlas bipod related threads, or he could have started with a more neutral post, explaining what he found and inquiring if it was normal or defective. Instead he claimed the bipod had an issue that made it a poor product, when in reality he hadn't even tried to shoot with the bipod yet or do any type of background research concerning the topic.
I would like to take a big step back from the bickering and talk about life in general.

Once their was a guy who had a Harris bipod. He liked his Harris but as time went on he began to think that more features could be included in the Harris. The guy thought those features would make the bipod even better. The guy approached Harris but Harris was not interested in adding features.

So our guy went on a bunch of random internet shooting forums and began to lambast Harris because Harris did not build the product he expected.

Disregard the preceding line because that is not what happened, because that is not the kind of guy our guy is. Our guy never lost sight of the fact that the Harris was a very good bipod, and he never said anything different. Our guy went ahead and continued to work on his design. Our guy bought stock and machines and built prototypes and sent some of the prototypes to shooters and continued to refine his ideas about how a bipod should work and how to use one. After a lot of hardwork our guy had a pretty good bipod.

So then Kasey started B&T Industries to manufacture and sell his bipods to those who understood the whys and wherefores of what made his bipod different and knew how to use it to get the benefits of it. Over time B&T Industries became successful and remained true to its roots.

Now back to your regularly scheduled bickering

At this point it is reasonable to wonder WTF is Diverdon going on about, so I'll get to the point. DON'T BE A WHINY LITTLE BITCH, if Kasey doesn't build the bipod you want go build your own bipod. If your bipod is better than Kaseys go into business selling them, vast wealth is within your reach. Be a man seize the opportunity.

Unfortunately if you don't know how to use a bipod, and you don't know how to shoot, your bipod most likely will suck. Most likely it will be too hard to run an efficient manufacturing company and you will have low sales and large losses until you go broke.
Just a little perspective on the OP's complaints and some justification of his initial post. I am very new to LR shooting having only bought a RPR about eight months ago. After using various sandbags and other improvised rest it was apparent that I needed a bipod. Asked a fellow club member who had parctipated in benchrest, F class and LR what he was using. He simply told me to get an Atlas, while they were more than twice the price of a Harris that I would never need another as it was the best most stable bipod made.
Went to Optics Planet an ordered a Atlas BT10 [$220.00}. When I receive it I mounted it as far foward as possible and set up on my kitchen table. I could not get steady behind the scope as the legs even when not extended did the "hula". Every movement I made to level the rifle or slight change POA required more adjustments that I was very frustrated.
Called Atlas and spoke to Brandi as I was thinking I had a defective product. She did tell me about the non rotating legs of the BT PRS that would provide a more stable platform.
OP had a sale on the $280.00 Atlas with QD that I asssumed was with the suggested non rotating legs. Returned the BT10 and paid another $50.00.
When I received it I immediately knew that I had made another mistake. OP graciously accepted a second return and another $40.00 I got the bipod that I wanted.
The descriptions of many products are vague and have little guidence to the novice. If I had done more research or read the OP's thread I might of had clue to what certain models features would have best suited my needs.
I really do not have a dog in this fight, but do appreciate the OP's Post will give another novice some valuable info to make an informed decision.
I have since bought the three inch leg extensions, claw feet and mono pod. Atlas now has over $500.00 of my money and I hope that my expeience will enable me to give some advice to another shooter wishing to enter this fascinating sport.
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Just a little perspective on the OP's complaints and some justification of his initial post. I am very new to LR shooting having only bought a RPR about eight months ago. After using various sandbags and other improvised rest it was apparent that I needed a bipod. Asked a fellow club member who had parctipated in benchrest, F class and LR what he was using. He simply told me to get an Atlas, while they were more than twice the price of a Harris that I would never need another as it was the best most stable bipod made.
Went to Optics Planet an ordered a Atlas BT10 [$220.00}. When I receive it I mounted it as far foward as possible and set up on my kitchen table. I could not get steady behind the scope as the legs even when not extended did the "hula". Every movement I made to level the rifle or slight change POA required more adjustments that I was very frustrated.
Called Atlas and spoke to Brandi as I was thinking I had a defective product. She did tell me about the non rotating legs of the BT PRS that would provide a more stable platform.
OP had a sale on the $280.00 Atlas with QD that I asssumed was with the suggested non rotating legs. Returned the BT10 and paid another $50.00.
When I received it I immediately knew that I had made another mistake. OP graciously accepted a second return and another $40.00 I got the bipod that I wanted.
The descriptions of many products are vague and have little guidence to the novice. If I had done more research or read the OP's thread I might of had clue to what certain models features would have best suited my needs.
I really do not have a dog in this fight, but do appreciate the OP's Post will give another novice some valuable info to make an informed decision.
I have since bought the three inch leg extensions, claw feet and mono pod. Atlas now has over $500.00 of my money and I hope that my expeience will enable me to give some advice to another shooter wishing to enter this fascinating sport.

I'd somewhat agree with you, had the OP not been throwing around words like "slop," "known issue," and "fixed." All of which imply something is wrong with the product and not that its just a different design.
I feel sure that I also used the term "slop" to describe the movement of the legs when I discussed my disappointment to Brandi. It is a very descriptive term even if it is slang used here in the south. Brandi did not take offense. Bless her lil heart.
I now know that the club member that told me to get a Atlas that he bought his when they only offered the non rotating leg version. Atlas will tell you that the BT10 and the less expensive QD version came about to have a lower price point to compete with Harris and some of the Chinese knockoffs.
I do not want my comments to be argumentative, just my take that there were mistakes, misunderstanding by both parties.
I am very happy with my Atlas and will promote it to everyone.

Best DannC
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I feel sure that I also used the term "slop" to describe the movement of the legs when I discussed my disappointment to Brandi. It is a very descriptive term even if it is slang used here in the south. Brandi did not take offense. Bless her lil heart.
I now know that the club member that told me to get a Atlas that he bought his when they only offered the non rotating leg version. Atlas will tell you that the BT10 and the less expensive QD version came about to have a lower price point to compete with Harris and some of the Chinese knockoffs.
I do not want my comments to be argumentative, just my take that their were mistakes, misunderstanding by both parties.
I am very happy with my Atlas and will promote it to everyone.

Best DannC

........didn't the rotating legs come out before the non rotating???

So, why would Atlas say "BT10 and the less expensive QD version came about to have a lower price point to compete with Harris and some of the Chinese knockoffs?"
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Rather than pointing fingers and calling each other idiots, this really could have gone a different direction. The heart of this issue is knowledge. Proper load on the bipod (which really transcends manufacturers) eliminates this "issue" entirely. That's actually one of the reason that I switched to Atlas bipods and sold off my Harrises. The flex in the Atlas encourages good form in loading the bipod properly, and it reacts extremely well when you do. If you've developed bad habits of treating your bipod like a rifle stand that you sit behind (which the Harris design lends itself to creating), switching to an Atlas will not meet your expectations, and will expose your bad habits and wrong expectations of fundamentals. That doesn't mean the Atlas has a design flaw, and it doesn't mean you're an idiot for not knowing. It's a training issue.
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OP clearly stated he hadn’t fired the rifle with the bipod. How do you know he ever even mounted it to a rifle?

It doesn't matter. Once the buyer takes possession it is considered a used item. If the company decides to take it back and give full value for it is up to them.

I once bought a gun that I never fired. I decided to trade it and guess what....I didn't get full price out of it as it had been sold once.

I have also bought items, never used them, and sold them for a loss as they didn't fit my needs. It is what it is.
Jesus. I shall be neither doing business with Atlas nor further participating in this form.

Really? The dude buys what’s touted as the latest greatest water walking penis enlarging two legged rifle rest on the market, and is disappointed that it’s about as solid as a sack of kittens.

Then holy shit here comes the brand loyalists. And the company owner with snide comments toward his customer. Nope.

Ah. So those of us who have to actually save to buy the things we want are excluded from your little fantasy sniper land? Ever cross your mind that some of us aren’t competitors, but rather blue collar guys trying to enjoy learning a new fascet of Marksmanship?

Oooooh and good ole fashion grade school name calling! Exactly how weapons enthusiasts should behave.

Anyhoo. Good on Kasey for offering a way for the OP to funnel more money into his company.

I’d have expected a refund.

He didn't buy it directly from the company, he bought it from someone else. Why would the manufacturer offer a refund and lose money? Kasey has done a lot for the shooting community which is why he has a loyal following. He also tried to make it right which he doesn't have to but he gets accused of funneling money in as you call it.
I have both the Harris and Atlas CAL. I just looked at both. The Atlas legs extend further than the Harris. The amount of movement (wiggle) in the legs isn't bad. When you extend it to match the Harris (one notch from fully open on the Atlas) the amount of movement is exactly the same.
Properly loading either will eliminate any movement.
@Swampcrawler65 "Oooooh and good ole fashion grade school name calling! Exactly how weapons enthusiasts should behave."

Thanks for digging this thread back up... I do hope you are not suggesting how a "weapons ebthusiasts" should behave by your example shared here.

It would seem you have an axe to grind with me or this company -
"Really? The dude buys what’s touted as the latest greatest water walking penis enlarging two legged rifle rest on the market, and is disappointed that it’s about as solid as a sack of kittens.

Then holy shit here comes the brand loyalists. And the company owner with snide comments toward his customer. Nope."

Hiding behind a screen name and making such comments as a "new hide member" funny stuff.

DOA summed up the "why" part of the tolerance we accepted for more range in elevation in the V8 BT10 series, the PSR series legs are slightly longer to accomodate more bearing surface.
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Kasey, can I buy the OPs bipod off you when he sends it in? I would like to use it as a prize for a stage in the Geissele Gas Gun Series. The stage is a fast mover stage and really shows the advantages of the pan feature on the atlas.
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Kasey, can I buy the OPs bipod off you when he sends it in? I would like to use it as a prize for a stage in the Geissele Gas Gun Series. The stage is a fast mover stage and really shows the advantages of the pan feature on the atlas.

It's yours! please contact Brandi as she'll know status and we'll get you taken care of. (be sure to tell her you are "lennyo3034")

ALSO, I want to make it clear that the OP did what all of us have done, used words we wish we had'nt, I believe he was well meaning and as far as I know we are good and he's been taken care of.
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Ah jeez.
You didn't do your research and apparently you have a poor understanding of telescoping structures- and then you have the audacity to blame the mfg?

You should be angry at yourself....I am.
You disappoint me.

No cupcake
No ribbon
No trophy
I just went to Optics Planet web site and looked again at the descriptions of the three models that I would have considered in my price range. In their listing of features they are identical except for the type of mount and height. I bought the cheapest one as a bolt on mount was not a problem as I have only one rifle and the QD would not be needed or the most expensive reguired an additional mount.
I think Kasey has been exceptional in his response but took offense when the problem could have been resolve in a more low key manner that would have resulted in less ill feeling on both sides.
I think if the type of mount is the only factor in the selection it will continue to result in some finding the product unsuitable for them. A description of the benefits of the non rotating leg feature would also help in justifying the higher price of the PRS model.
I have taken no sides in this discussion but many of the responses have offered no usefull feedback or resolution, only inflammatory remarks.
Those of us who just entered this new to us shooting sport do not have the common knowledge that only comes from time and participation. I can say that 99% of what I think I know about LR shooting has come from the internet and web sites like SH. I literally have a laundry basket full of gear that I have bought thinking that it was another product to improve my shooting.
This thread should be closed as it has not been the best of what SH has to offer.

I just went to Optics Planet web site and looked again at the descriptions of the three models that I would have considered in my price range. In their listing of features they are identical except for the type of mount and height. I bought the cheapest one as a bolt on mount was not a problem as I have only one rifle and the QD would not be needed or the most expensive reguired an additional mount.
I think Kasey has been exceptional in his response but took offense when the problem could have been resolve in a more low key manner that would have resulted in less ill feeling on both sides.
I think if the type of mount is the only factor in the selection it will continue to result in some finding the product unsuitable for them. A description of the benefits of the non rotating leg feature would also help in justifying the higher price of the PRS model.
I have taken no sides in this discussion but many of the responses have offered no usefull feedback or resolution, only inflammatory remarks.
Those of us who just entered this new to us shooting sport do not have the common knowledge that only comes from time and participation. I can say that 99% of what I think I know about LR shooting has come from the internet and web sites like SH. I literally have a laundry basket full of gear that I have bought thinking that it was another product to improve my shooting.
This thread should be closed as it has not been the best of what SH has to offer.


if i bought shit solely from the description of brownells/midway/OP versus the actual manufacturer and researching first
DannC, thank you, I thought I was clear about what I too exception to which was nothing to do with low-key resolution, simply resolution.

The other day I had a guy call and ask for me, he was having a problem with one of our products which "I should have known about" because he'd called and talked to Brandi.... So I had to walk him back because I'd rather hear it from the source rather than third party. I think we've all been guilty of thinking someone else is as knowledgeable of our problems when they really havent a clue.

b6graham, true that! You have NO idea how many "corrections" we've had to ask for.... LOL
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what the hell Harris are you buying that doesnt get noticeably looser when fully extended??......ide like to get in on that gravy-train......

I don't know the specific model numbers but my perception of any Harris I ever shot was that they were pretty tight and easy to load.
It's been years since I've messed with one, so my memory could be fuzzy, but I'd guess the Harris bipods with screws, rather than locks on notched legs, probably tighten up pretty tight.
I'm just confused about who decided that tighter vs looser is a measure of virtue. All I care about is can I hit the target when using the equipment properly. Atlas does offer the ability to hit the target in more different ways than Harris.
Hey guys, let's all stand down for a min. aside from the name calling and usual idiotry that shows up in spades on the internet let me update you on what's happened- Kasey is willing to exchange my bipod at 100% of what I paid for it towards a new one that will suit me better. He didn't sell it to me, Brownells did. Brownells contacted me because he read my post and thought I may have an issue with them (I don't in ANY way). So everyone ACTUALLY involved has been stand up and willing to take care of the issue. When I get home next week I'll be sending my bipod in for exchange.
As far as the ones that decided to attack me for my opinion, I deal with idiots every day, a few armchair commandos on a forum don't bother me at all. To those who showed support, thanks, but all is good now. Everyone can stand down and go back to arguing about what caliber is the best for shooting 3 miles off hand!
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Hey guys, let's all stand down for a min. aside from the name calling and usual idiotry that shows up in spades on the internet let me update you on what's happened- Kasey is willing to exchange my bipod at 100% of what I paid for it towards a new one that will suit me better. He didn't sell it to me, Brownells did. Brownells contacted me because he read my post and thought I may have an issue with them (I don't in ANY way). So everyone ACTUALLY involved has been stand up and willing to take care of the issue. When I get home next week I'll be sending my bipod in for exchange.
As far as the ones that decided to attack me for my opinion, I deal with idiots every day, a few armchair commandos on a forum don't bother me at all. To those who showed support, thanks, but all is good now. Everyone can stand down and go back to arguing about what caliber is the best for shooting 3 miles off hand!

Translation: Mission accomplished, fishing trip over.
Hey guys, let's all stand down for a min. aside from the name calling and usual idiotry that shows up in spades on the internet let me update you on what's happened- Kasey is willing to exchange my bipod at 100% of what I paid for it towards a new one that will suit me better. He didn't sell it to me, Brownells did. Brownells contacted me because he read my post and thought I may have an issue with them (I don't in ANY way). So everyone ACTUALLY involved has been stand up and willing to take care of the issue. When I get home next week I'll be sending my bipod in for exchange.
As far as the ones that decided to attack me for my opinion, I deal with idiots every day, a few armchair commandos on a forum don't bother me at all. To those who showed support, thanks, but all is good now. Everyone can stand down and go back to arguing about what caliber is the best for shooting 3 miles off hand!

If you can't spot the dumbass in the room.........
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Just as an update, Kasey donated the bipod that was sent in by the OP to the Geissele Gas Gun Challenge. It will be given away in a sponsored stage during one of the matches of the series, or finale. It has already come in, and functions exactly as my other 3 Atlas bipods. Thank you very much Kasey.

PS. The sponsored stage will involve a fast mover. Even if you can't hit it, you'll have a chance at the bipod. And if nothing else, it's a lot of fun.
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Are you gone yet,

This is about the ignorance of a product vs the product itself.

Most people know what they are getting into, not so much with this post. Of course, there are people who buy something and don't like it. But by the same token, most people have a baseline understanding of how a bipod works vs what it cannot do. Blaming the product because of your ignorance on the subject is clearly misguided.

If you don't like the fact we don't suffer fools here, maybe SH is not the place for you. Honesty is key, you can be honest or you can be hyperbolic, you seem to prefer the later

The Door is to the right, -----> thanks for posting you're disapproval LOL
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