ATX Precision PRS club match 7/7/18


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Nov 29, 2008
Austin, TX
Reserve the date! July 7th we are having our 1st quarterly PRS club match
at Reveille Peak Ranch <> in Burnet, TX. This is the
same location as the PRS Points match in Sept.

Register here:

0700-0800 Registration/Zero

0800-0830 Safety Brief

0830 Match Begins

~ 1500 Match ends

8 stages, Prone and positional. Expect targets from ~ 300-1200yds. 1 Point
per hit. Limited rounds and par times on each stage. This match will follow
the PRS Bolt gun rules (limited rounds and par times) but feel free to come
out and use your gas gun if you want! We will not be running separate
gas-gun stages. We will be submitting scores to the PRS Club series.

Scoring on iPads via Practiscore.

100 Rounds or less. No Pistol.

Bolt or Gas rifles, 3200fps max.

We will not be providing lunch or water on this 1st quarterly match. Please
make sure you bring enough water and snacks.

$40 per shooter with $10 mulligan available at registration. Mulligan
allows a shooter to re-shoot one stage of the match. Mulligan score counts
and replaces original score. Mulligan must be shot at the stage you want to
use it at while your squad is there (IE no returning to a stage at the end
of the match out of order).

Tentative quarterly match schedule:

- 7/7/18 - Club match
- 9/15/18-9/16/18 - PRS Points match (opens for registration in May!)
- Dec 2018 TBD on date

Match run in association with TX3G.


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Would be it acceptable for a newbie like me to attend this match as my first? Right down the road in San Marcos, I understand that most in this sport are very welcoming, but I'm also aware that there are serious players and I dont want to step on yalls toes so to speak.
Well, stepping on toes while shooting is frowned upon ;). Sure, feel free to come out! We’ll make sure you get on a squad with some seasoned shooters to show you the ropes. If you want to watch a major match, there is the Lone Survivor PRS match this next weekend in College Station. I’ll be ROing next weekend.
Well, stepping on toes while shooting is frowned upon ;). Sure, feel free to come out! We’ll make sure you get on a squad with some seasoned shooters to show you the ropes. If you want to watch a major match, there is the Lone Survivor PRS match this next weekend in College Station. I’ll be ROing next weekend.
Haha thanks man, I would really appreciate it. Just need to get my DOPE down and show up!
Reserve the date! July 7th we are having our 1st quarterly PRS club match
at Reveille Peak Ranch <> in Burnet, TX. This is the
same location as the PRS Points match in Sept.

Stay tuned for a Practiscore link to register.

0700-0800 Registration/Zero

0800-0830 Safety Brief

0830 Match Begins

~ 1500 Match ends

8 stages, Prone and positional. Expect targets from ~ 300-1200yds. 1 Point
per hit. Limited rounds and par times on each stage. This match will follow
the PRS Bolt gun rules (limited rounds and par times) but feel free to come
out and use your gas gun if you want! We will not be running separate
gas-gun stages. We will be submitting scores to the PRS Club series.

Scoring on iPads via Practiscore.

100 Rounds or less. No Pistol.

Bolt or Gas rifles, 3200fps max.

We will not be providing lunch or water on this 1st quarterly match. Please
make sure you bring enough water and snacks.

$40 per shooter with $10 mulligan available at registration. Mulligan
allows a shooter to re-shoot one stage of the match. Mulligan score counts
and replaces original score. Mulligan must be shot at the stage you want to
use it at while your squad is there (IE no returning to a stage at the end
of the match out of order).

Tentative quarterly match schedule:

- 7/7/18 - Club match
- 9/15/18-9/16/18 - PRS Points match (opens for registration in May!)
- Dec 2018 TBD on date

Match run in association with TX3G.

Planning on being at this one. Do you have a registration link yet?

I signed up for this match, will be my first ever and I'm borrowing a rifle from a buddy. Have practiced with it a few times, have pretty good dope out to 800 yards. Looking forward to seeing if I have a new hobby to get into!
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Been registered for a few weeks now..still have yet to find how to pay. Can you pay online, or do you have to pay the morning of the match?
In case you didn't see the Practiscore email:

We’re excited to see you all for the ATX Precision PRS Club match on Saturday!

  • Directions: Follow your GPS for: Range Building - RPR, 1650 Co Rd 115, Burnet, TX 78611 ( Also keep an eye out for signs directing you where to go.
  • Cash only - please bring exact change since this is our 1st match. $40 for the match, $50 total if you want a mulligan.
  • Mulligan - Allows a shooter to re-shoot one stage of the match. Mulligan score counts and replaces original stage score.
  • MUST sign up using Practiscore (you’ve alreay done this if you get this email from Practiscore):
  • Water - I’ll have a cooler filled with bottled water, but make sure you bring enough and carry enough since we will not have water on each stage.
  • Parking. Park at the range building in the morning. You will be able to move your vehicles to the different stages.
  • Restrooms available at signup / zero / stages 1-4
  • Stages 1-6 are at the lower/berm portion of the range. Stages 7+8 are at the higher portion of the range. You will need a truck/SUV/UTV or hitch a ride with someone to go up to 7+8. Bring enough water for these stages.
  • Round Count - 72 with 65 points possible. Bring enough to check your zero and a mulligan if you buy one (highly suggested!). 100 total should be plenty.
  • Farthest targets 1100yds. These targets will have Magnetospeed T1000 flashers on them.
  • 8” Mover ~3mph
  • Self ROing squads.
  • To keep the match flowing, please be ready to shoot at each stage. Squads will decide the order to shoot.
  • 2 min par time on all stages. When you RO a shooter, use the timer on your phone. This is a good countdown timer app:
  • Bring binos or spotting scope+tripod if you have them to help spot/RO.
  • No Pistol shots. CHLers, please leave your pistols in your vehicles. No hot pistols while prone (DQable offense).
  • Weather - We will only stop if there is target obstruction or lightning. Bring wet weather gear if (and there is) a chance of rain.