Avoided a serious disaster at the range


Full Member
Feb 13, 2012
Ever get annoyed at someone not paying attention because they are on a cell phone? Well, you'll get a kick out of this...

Yesterday my buddy and I, along with two other guys, were on a HOT range shooting at various distances (200-500 meters) with our rifles. As we are down in the prone position, about to send a few rounds down range, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. To my surprise it is an SUV, traveling about 20-25mph, heading DOWN RANGE in the line of fire. We immediately yelled for a cease fire and cleared our weapons. We watched in disbelief as the vehicle drove around the targets set up between 200-500 meters. We all sat there exchanging some colorful words as we tried to figure out what this person was thinking. How in the world could someone not realize they just drove around a WELL marked firing position and then miss that they are driving around berms and targets???? Not only did the vehicle travel down the range, it then proceeded to drive around the berms for a good 2 minutes.

As the car returned towards the firing line, I ran over and flagged them down. As the window rolled down, it was a young lady, perhaps 18-25 years old, on her cell phone. She was obviously lost, looking for someone on the property. I told her she just put her life in serious danger, and that she needed to pay attention where she was going, etc etc... She apologized and drove off.

I am so thankful there wasn't a serious accident. This is a great reminder that you always need to know what's between you and the target, and beyond your target. You never know, it just might be an SUV one day.
Had to be the Colorado Rifle Club.

She's goddamn lucky, with all the lead that gets thrown that direction. And on her cellphone, too....

Glad you were paying attention when she wasn't.
Ever get annoyed at someone not paying attention because they are on a cell phone? Well, you'll get a kick out of this...

Yesterday my buddy and I, along with two other guys, were on a HOT range shooting at various distances (200-500 meters) with our rifles. As we are down in the prone position, about to send a few rounds down range, I catch something out of the corner of my eye. To my surprise it is an SUV, traveling about 20-25mph, heading DOWN RANGE in the line of fire. We immediately yelled for a cease fire and cleared our weapons. We watched in disbelief as the vehicle drove around the targets set up between 200-500 meters. We all sat there exchanging some colorful words as we tried to figure out what this person was thinking. How in the world could someone not realize they just drove around a WELL marked firing position and then miss that they are driving around berms and targets???? Not only did the vehicle travel down the range, it then proceeded to drive around the berms for a good 2 minutes.

As the car returned towards the firing line, I ran over and flagged them down. As the window rolled down, it was a young lady, perhaps 18-25 years old, on her cell phone. She was obviously lost, looking for someone on the property. I told her she just put her life in serious danger, and that she needed to pay attention where she was going, etc etc... She apologized and drove off.

I am so thankful there wasn't a serious accident. This is a great reminder that you always need to know what's between you and the target, and beyond your target. You never know, it just might be an SUV one day.

You've heard of culling the herd. Well you just met a cull. Just glad you were paying attention and no one was hurt.
That was just awesome and it could have only been better if you had all this on your cell phone camera - could have submitted it to the Darwin awards and won some money.
and if anything had happened media and politicians would be screaming for your hides and a range closure in the interest of "public safety." some law firm would also be circling looking for an opening and a client.
and if anything had happened media and politicians would be screaming for your hides and a range closure in the interest of "public safety." some law firm would also be circling looking for an opening and a client.

Which is exactly why I left out the name of the range. You are absolutely right.

What did she look like? Did she have nice tits? Any chick that dumb could have been invited to an after shoot barbecue and scratch n sniff. Just sayin.

They were big enough they obstructed her view of where she was driving.
We've had this happen also, during a match. Now we park at least one car in the middle of the road going down range. I have also been known to park crossways in the road on non-match days just so someone will have to stop and ask to get.
My brush with Darwinism happened when walking back from setting targets, range was cold, large red lights flashing still and I see some dipweeds behind their rifles aiming them downrange in my general direction and I high tailed it into the shooting area and we had a terse conversation about the whole "do not handle firearms while range us cold" rule, they were locked and loaded too, told me they were just sighting in their scopes

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Someone has to ask, so I'll just get this out of the way now:

How many mils lead was required?

On a more serious note, that could have turned out bad had someone on the line not been paying attention and she turned into the line of fire. While I haven't seen a vehicle downrange when the range is hot I have seen someone walk out 10Y to set up a pistol target on a hot outdoor range and I've also seen where 2 new guys showed up and started shooting during a ceasefire while someone was downrange at 100Y stapling a target up... both instances happened at a non-RO'd range that happens to be the closest to town so it attracts a lot of people who don't have a clue.

Someone made the Apple Maps comment... could very well be true. Google Maps will often try and send people down a 7 mile long rough dirt road next to the range I frequent-- for years Google Maps had it classified as a standard paved road which connects two fairly high traffic rural 2-lane highways. I don't know how many people I've seen take the road toward the range, keep going when it becomes dirt, and then turn around and show up at the range office 15 minutes later to ask for directions.
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We have had people who work at the gun club drive their ATV's behind our steel targets while we were having a practical rifle match. We closed and secured the gate that is supposed to keep people from driving down range, but these idiots must have thought the gate didn't apply to them. They did it twice again, so I complained to the range officer. After the third time, I sent a formal report on the incidents to the club's Board of Directors so no one would be able to gloss over the problem. The solution was that our matches were moved to a different day of the month.

I was thrilled to have our matches moved if that is the only alternative to us having these idiots continuing to drive in front of the firing line. I would prefer to be as far away as possible from people who are that unaware of their surroundings. Those are some primo candidates for the Darwin awards..
We had to call a cease fire at a 1000 yd match when some dipshitz decided that they would sneak through the woods to the closed pistol range, when they found the road blocked. Pistol range is about at the 500 yd line, off to the left about 50 yds.
When I still lived in Idaho we used to have left wingnuts would show up at our range and ride their atvs and dirtbikes around our targets so we couldn't shoot. At least tell someone shot the engine out of one a dirtbike. For the record I was not present for that, but was told about it after the fact. They never returned.
As crazy/stupid as her actions were I can't say I'm totally surprised. I remember one day my brother and I were at the range. The range was hot and there were probably between 30-50 shooters firing away with rifles. In the middle of all this some hipster strolls past the benches and starts to walk downrange. Everyone in the area ceases fire and starts yelling at him. After walking about 10-15 yards he turns around and walks back. He sat at his bench pouting until cease fire. He figured no one would purposefully target him so he didn't understand what the big deal was.
Slightly off topic and I didn't want to vent this story on here, but it still pisses me off about 6 months later.

I was at a public range shooting in the rifle lanes next to a guy and his <5 year old. The kid was exceptionally young. Anyway, I'm trying to conduct my business but this guy has the five year old on an AR. The kid/toddler was not big enough to shoulder the weapon and he was getting scope bite every shot. After like 2 or 3 shots he was like "Dad, I don't want to shoot anymore" in toddler speak. The kid could barely communicate with words and his dad was thrilled that the kid could pull the trigger but seemed oblivious to the rifle coming back and hitting him in the face every shot.

I was trying to be polite and I made small talk and informed him of the situation. The guy was still oblivious. I go back to minding my own business then the kid picks up a handgun from the bench and starts waving it around. I politely asked the guy to check if it was loaded (I probably should have dropped some politeness at this point and been like WTF) and he says no, and at this point I take a break and sit down for a bit waiting for the danger to pass. After a couple minutes, the guy checks the gun and tells me it was loaded but not chambered.

I pack my rifle up and go down to put a couple boxes through a handgun. 15 minutes later this guy comes over and puts a full size .40 S&W pistol in the kids hand and helps him shoot it. At this point, I mentioned that he may want to look into a .22 or something more appropriate for a kid to learn how to shoot with. Another couple was there with very young kids shooting airsoft guns which was pretty smart IMO, getting them familiar with the range, live fire, and safety. This guy was completely oblivious that there may be some learning curve to the situation and an appropriate analogy is that young kids should be in go carts or maybe little tykes plastic vehicles and not F1 race cars, for everyone's benefit, including the kids.
Someone has to ask, so I'll just get this out of the way now:

How many mils lead was required?

On a more serious note, that could have turned out bad had someone on the line not been paying attention and she turned into the line of fire. While I haven't seen a vehicle downrange when the range is hot I have seen someone walk out 10Y to set up a pistol target on a hot outdoor range and I've also seen where 2 new guys showed up and started shooting during a ceasefire while someone was downrange at 100Y stapling a target up... both instances happened at a non-RO'd range that happens to be the closest to town so it attracts a lot of people who don't have a clue.

Someone made the Apple Maps comment... could very well be true. Google Maps will often try and send people down a 7 mile long rough dirt road next to the range I frequent-- for years Google Maps had it classified as a standard paved road which connects two fairly high traffic rural 2-lane highways. I don't know how many people I've seen take the road toward the range, keep going when it becomes dirt, and then turn around and show up at the range office 15 minutes later to ask for directions.

DUDE! That garbage app crap was sending people through the aircraft gate at Fairbanks Int'l and onto the runway a month ago. How can people NOT notice they are on an active Runway? did the 737-400 crossing the road at 100+ miles an hour not provide sufficient clue?
I had to go to our local range after a thunderstorm wiped out half of the 200yd frames. The range master cleared the range so I could do a temporary fix. Now I'm at 200 with my bright silver, 4wheel drive, lifted welding rig with a Screaming Lincoln SA250 welding machine(kinda hard to miss you would think). I hear a rifle report, look up to see a cloud of dust from a bullet impact at 100. WTF. This idiot set up at 100 and shot thinking it was OK because the work was being done at 200. The Range Master was on him like a fat lady on a doughnut. The Range Master escorted said idiot to my AO at 200 for a formal apology and to inform everyone concerned his membership was done. I wasn't really pissed because our RM is the easiest going guy in the state until stupid shit is put in front of him. The public ass chewing he dealt the idiot was friggin hilarious. The RM has apologized countless times but I always tell him when your babysitting the general public you can't always watch them all.
Slightly off topic and I didn't want to vent this story on here, but it still pisses me off about 6 months later.

I was at a public range shooting in the rifle lanes next to a guy and his <5 year old. The kid was exceptionally young. Anyway, I'm trying to conduct my business but this guy has the five year old on an AR. The kid/toddler was not big enough to shoulder the weapon and he was getting scope bite every shot. After like 2 or 3 shots he was like "Dad, I don't want to shoot anymore" in toddler speak. The kid could barely communicate with words and his dad was thrilled that the kid could pull the trigger but seemed oblivious to the rifle coming back and hitting him in the face every shot.

I was trying to be polite and I made small talk and informed him of the situation. The guy was still oblivious. I go back to minding my own business then the kid picks up a handgun from the bench and starts waving it around. I politely asked the guy to check if it was loaded (I probably should have dropped some politeness at this point and been like WTF) and he says no, and at this point I take a break and sit down for a bit waiting for the danger to pass. After a couple minutes, the guy checks the gun and tells me it was loaded but not chambered.

I pack my rifle up and go down to put a couple boxes through a handgun. 15 minutes later this guy comes over and puts a full size .40 S&W pistol in the kids hand and helps him shoot it. At this point, I mentioned that he may want to look into a .22 or something more appropriate for a kid to learn how to shoot with. Another couple was there with very young kids shooting airsoft guns which was pretty smart IMO, getting them familiar with the range, live fire, and safety. This guy was completely oblivious that there may be some learning curve to the situation and an appropriate analogy is that young kids should be in go carts or maybe little tykes plastic vehicles and not F1 race cars, for everyone's benefit, including the kids.

I ... I ... I have a headache now.

I'd say you went above and beyond the call. I would have eventually reported this dangerous person to the nearest range officer.
We had to call a cease fire at a 1000 yd match when some dipshitz decided that they would sneak through the woods to the closed pistol range, when they found the road blocked. Pistol range is about at the 500 yd line, off to the left about 50 yds.

Sounds like Academi. I've seen that happen a couple of times on range 19. Seems like folks don't know what a closed gate means