A new jam nut is being designed, and will be backwards compatible. More grip, and more tight. Still toying with being all “tooless” so it’s not another thing to take to the range. Let me know what you think?
I think either a flat on the body or a line would be easy enough to incorporate. Also may engrave logo on muzzle that could act as level line.
The constructive criticism is a drive for me. I’m in pursuit of continual perfection. Thank you for the advice, and support!
Thank you for listening to my suggestions. As soon as I got mine in and started to mess with it I immediately said it needs tweaking to be more user friendly. Again I know not everyone wants/needs changes. Don’t worry about it being tool free as a many including myself carry tools regardless for matches. As long as you give people options that’s a good thing. The nut can still tighten by hand but also allow a wrench to grab onto for the extra umph. As they say, it’s the little things.
I like the idea of an alignment line on the top of the brake, if for no other reason that it seems simple to incorporate. But…
My suppressor doesn’t have a corresponding alignment line. Nor does the muzzle of my rifle. And, the reticle of my scope isn’t leveled to the rifle, but to how I hold the rifle.
I already sold out of the 30 cal Bravo brakes. I’ve already got an order for more under way.
I dont have lead times set in stone, so I dont want people back ordering right now. I need to add a list to my website regardless of the availability, because I’m adding 4 more brakes.
With this new order we’re adding Aero Lahar, AB Raptor, JK/Energetic Armament(1-3/8x24), CGS cans.