AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT


Full Member
Jul 20, 2002
New Zealand
Hi Guys ,

I have real bad luck / timing , order 2 AWSM's , one in 300 & the other in 338 , then find OUT they have a New model with longer CIP 338 lenght mags ,

Simple right just , ammend the order to be the NEW models right , wrong they are due OUT Late 2010 , according to my dealer in the UK .

So I am stuffed , might just cancel order ,

I would advise any one thinking of getting a 338LM AWSM , at wait for the NEW model , and not to order the OLD .

But thats just ME .

The same ting happened to me when I ordered a TRG-41 , just took delivery of IT , to find it was superseeded by the BETTER TRG-42 , what the hell .

Later Chris
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

I am hoping to get bottom metal for my surgeon XL .338 LM build that accomadates CIP length ammo...........we will see i suppose.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

Something newer/better is always coming out. If you wait for the "final" version of a gun or a computer or a car then you're never actually going to get to shoot/use/drive it. Just a hard fact of life.

Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ChrisF</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Hi Guys ,

I have real bad luck / timing , order 2 AWSM's , one in 300 & the other in 338 , then find OUT they have a New model with longer CIP 338 lenght mags...

Later Chris </div></div>

Can someone explain the difference between the new and old AI AWSM? Are you referring to a longer mag? Any pictures between the two?
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

I was thinking , the action maybe a little longer , any way , IT will superceed the current model , and will BE the new STD , reguardless , what people think or want .

No answer to my Question as to IF this new mag is also to made for the 300WM version ?

Later Chris
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

it will accomadate a bullet that is SLIGHTLY longer, that is not even available yet. Run the current stuff now, and if you need to run some of the longer stuff, single feed it. You really want to wait two years before you can even order it?
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

For the action, no it does not increase in length, as stated simply allows for a longer COAL for the 300gr bullets. As to the .300WM, that is something that is to be discussed, in work now the .338 first. Standards are yet to be changed and we are inwork on this project now. More to come as available.

As for the reason for change, as stated before, to accomodate the longer COAL with the newer bullets which are the "new kid" on the block for long range shooters.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

I want to be able to load the 300gr Scenars or Sierras and carry them in the magazine. From the beginning that was my aim. My concern in going with the current model is two fold. One, as the new rounds become more common place, all off the shelf ammo will be loaded to the new standard. Not a big deal now right? But in 2+ years, will you'll have a magazine that won't hold factory ammo? My second concern is what effect that will have on the value of the rifle. For certain I am purchasing mine to shoot, but I always keep a mind on the value of a rig in case I ever have to sell it. I know many scoff at that idea, but I do the same thing with my vehicles. I purchase them to use also, but it is the smart thing to keep a mind on resale value also, just in case you're ever in a situation. Lets just say, until I learn more, this definitely creates a moment of pause.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

I load both of my 250 grains scenars and the 300 SMK to a COAL of 3.600". Plenty long for me. I should be able to reach out to 1 mile to 2000 yards with that. How much longer do you want to go? IMHO, to go longer then you should start looking at another platform. Perhaps the 408 CT, 416, 375/408 system, 50 BMG. I just think that you can only put so much steroid onto the 338 LM platform. Don't get me wrong here. I love my AIAWSM.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

I just got off the phone with Stacey. All my concerns have been put to rest. Exactly what you are saying DesertHK. My concern was accuracy degradation with 300gr Scenars or Sierras when loaded to the non-CIP magazine COAL. It sounds like a lot of people are not using the full CIP length for their 300gr bullets, and many have not seen the accuracy benefit over the 250gr to warrant going up in weight. Especially when the 300gr bullets are hard to come by. I'll be sending my check tomorrow.

I'll have some pics up for you fellas in a weeks time hopefully.

Once again, high recommendations for Stacey Blankenship.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

fastford: I am unable to answer that at this time, however AI is committed to producing the absolute best sniper rifle available in the world. I would expect once complete and ready for release the CIP models will be the standard. The original model maagazines will still be available as well as all parts and accessories. Once spec's and information is available for release, we will post here on the HIDE. Thanks again guys for all the support, assistance and comments.
Re: AWSM , shouldn't have ordered IT

In my opinion you should take delivery of the gun. #1 the dealer has ordered your gun (or waiting til the shipments come in that meets your wants) #2 in my opinion, you won't need the small difference, or #3 there probably will be refits for your rifle. I know if you bought it from Stacey, he WILL do the utmost to make you happy.