Advanced Marksmanship Azimuth Question

I just checked this today.
My 6.5 Creedmoore - 130ELDs - 2900fps -
1000 yards will be 1.5" high or low ( less than a .1 mil)
Just for fun lets look at 2K
2000 Yards will be 12" high or Low (less than .2mil)
For either of these the Temperature and Pressure will make a much bigger change.
Azimuth is for land nav and artillery.

Azimuth is the angular deviation between the user's orientation (or direction of travel) and either true or magnetic north (which I'm sure you know, but I'm explaining for those who don't)

As such it's use isn't limited to land navigation and artillery. The same exact term is applied to marine and air navigation and it's used (with different names sometimes) in surveying and just about any other application where the user needs to know where true or magnetic north lies in relation to them.

As to whether it matters at distances under 1000 yards, I doubt it.
Azimuth is needed in elr due to the coriolis effect. Like if your shooting north in Canada as the earth spins your projectile windage will be compensated for in the kestrel. Or shooting west at the equator it will not be much deviation. The kestrel also needs to have your latitude so it can compute these things. Not needed at all anything less than 1k unless your for some reason shooting long range with subsonic ammo. It’s all about how long your projectile is in the air as the earth spins.