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Hunting & Fishing B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Wow, that's incredible...

Eeeeery having it stare like that.

Mind if I ask what something like that costs? Ignorance and curiosity... feel free to PM me if the question makes you uncomfortable to post.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread ...... </div></div>

you just did.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it.</div></div>

Because unchecked their numbers soar and it takes a lot of elk/deer/cattle to feed one. Just like everything else the environment has a carrying capacity for every species. Some need to be taken.

I'd shoot one in a heartbeat provided it were legal in my state.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

just curious as here in mo i have never even seen onoe but im sure they thrive in other states where they would need to be taken , it was just a question btw so if you didnt answer it you just whored up the thread as well. nice looking mount though it looks like it could stille be alive ready to pounce.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Sir that is a awesome mount and animal you took.I have climbed a few mountains after those great cats and still no luck.
Well done...waggs
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Amazing animal... We has some in south east texas and I have only seen the ass end of one going into the woods... I have followed sign from a momma and a cub for nearly a mile untill the disappeared... Very elusive cats... Congrats on your take and the mount.... I am waiting on a 44lb Coyote as we speak I will post it as soon as I get it back....

Daniel Logue
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sendero_man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">that is probably around a 160 to 170 lb cat.

to damn many of them around here. You can even get an additional tag and shoot 2 in areas in Wyoming now.

Nice job !

once again you one up cali here. hahaha. cant even shoot them here and there are too many! last year we treed two cats...in the same day! and no bears that day! ha.

to the OP... i have to say, thats one fantastic looking mount! love it!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JCH</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it.</div></div>

Because unchecked their numbers soar and it takes a lot of elk/deer/cattle to feed one. Just like everything else the environment has a carrying capacity for every species. Some need to be taken.

I'd shoot one in a heartbeat provided it were legal in my state. </div></div>

i wish california would follow that example!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Great looking mount!!!! I've seen way more predator mounts that look like they are something out of a horror movie than I have actual, decent looking mounts. Good job.

To the gentlemen who asked why shoot such an animal. 6-7 years ago or so mountain lions were an "urban legend" in ND. Since then we've established a season for them, increased bag limits in certain parts of the state, and have quite a few depradation kills in the last couple years. So, like everything, they need to be controlled. It is that simple.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it. </div></div>
You know...it's fag's like you that make it nearly impossible to post anything without getting some kind of bullshit response.
If you don't know what your talking about...keep you trap shut!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

I'm from Missouri too, and even though they are here, I don't want them things around. When predators aren't kept in check, WE become their prey. Do some checkin on stats in the states that have outlawed Mountain Lion, Wolf, or Bear hunting and you will see the fast rise in human/predator conflict.
BTW, that is a well done mount and a spectacular kill. Congrats!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

I just cringed when I read the title of your post. I have seen some BAD mounts, mostly cats and canines. Most taxidermists just dont have an eye for them. Yours is truly amazing. When you get a mount back that looks ALIVE, you know they've done the animal justice. That is a very high quality mount, congrats on the big cat!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tip em over</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it. </div></div>
You know...it's fag's like you that make it nearly impossible to post anything without getting some kind of bullshit response.
If you don't know what your talking about...keep you trap shut! </div></div> I don't see a reason to jump all over this guy. He was asking an honest question and is a bit ignorant about the huge numbers of these animals. I agree they are beautiful animals and I would love to see one in the wild, but you can bet I would love to shoot one too! I have the same feeling watching fawns playing in the springtime. Come fall, they better learn how to hide. Everyone's entitled to voice their thoughts, and I think he meant no harm. He maybe should have worded his thoughts better.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tip em over</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it. </div></div>
You know...it's fag's like you that make it nearly impossible to post anything without getting some kind of bullshit response.
If you don't know what your talking about...keep you trap shut! </div></div>

your right i did not know what i was talking about thats why i asked the question , why dont you grow up. instead of acting like a 5 year old and name calling you could have answered my question and shed sopme light on the subject.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Unfortunately, as the top of the food chain in most areas, they go unchecked and thrive. Not to mention they are killer eating. Like a lean pork. Do not associate them with your domestic house cat, they are not and that is where most draw the line.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JCH</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SS-8541-dono</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> not to whore up your thread but im just curious why you would shoot such an animal? i am from missouri and have spent counless time in the wilderness and have never even seen one of these animals and if i would i dont think shooting it would be the first thing to pop into my head, granted if it were to attack me or my livestock it could be a different stroy i am just wondering and by no means am trying to emply any ill will or bad juju im just curious as i would love to just see one of these in the wild and would enjoy just watching it.</div></div>

Because unchecked their numbers soar and it takes a lot of elk/deer/cattle to feed one. Just like everything else the environment has a carrying capacity for every species. Some need to be taken.

I'd shoot one in a heartbeat provided it were legal in my state. </div></div>

It's "sort of legal" for the last 2.5-3 years. Stalking you or livestock, or in the act of depredation is a justified shoot and you'll have to call the warden to come out to tag it on site FWIW. Seeing or finding a cat is the tricky part.

To the OP. That's a beautiful cat, and the taxidermist did a fantastic job!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

WOW! Looks really, really fine!!!
Would you mind filling us in on the hunt?
Behind hounds I presume? If so, would love to see some pics of the dogs & that big kitty in the tree!!!

Again, beautiful mount!
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Very nice cat. Have seen first hand what these animals are capable of. These cats are growing in mass quantities in Texas. Texas and their new cattle/deer raising techniques they call hunting, the cats virtually have a buffet. Ranch owners are blind in saying there is such a problem. I hunt out in West Texas on 40k acres of open range and you would be amazed how many mule deer these cats kill. Spring time when they are teaching their cubs to hunt, they will hit 4-5 deer a day. Do nothing more than kill an move on.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Great looking mount! We could use a little culling of lions around here. My wife had one run in front of her car leaving the driveway Tuesday morning just before daylight. That's the third lion we have seen on our place just in the last year.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

beautiful animal. My sister has had a few stalk her before out in Sun valley area while hiking the sawtooths.

My brothers last run in was on a LRRP type recon field problem in Wisconsin of all places. They came across one patrolling through the woods. Heck of it was they didnt have any ammo haha.

They are tame unless hungry or they feel threatened from what im told. Luckily it passed them by and didnt pay any attention to them.

Only time ive seen them was on a field problem down in texas and when i was driving out the south gate of yellowstone park.

Whats the kill story?
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Awesome cat. I had one stalking me at 80 yards last year during deer season, and this is the first year WA put weapon specific seasons on cougars. Figures, I was 13 days from modern opening on cougars and here is one at 80 yards trcking me down the path. All I can hope is that it is still there next year.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I just cringed when I read the title of your post. I have seen some BAD mounts, mostly cats and canines. Most taxidermists just dont have an eye for them. Yours is truly amazing. When you get a mount back that looks ALIVE, you know they've done the animal justice. That is a very high quality mount, congrats on the big cat! </div></div>

First off, GREAT looking mount.

I had a Bobcat mounted last year. After the year wait, I was throughly dissappointed in the quality of the worksmanship. He put up foliage in areas that he couldnt repair the hide and the face does not look "alive" like your mount.

I have been calling predators for several years now and have yet to see a Mtn Lion. You, sir, are one lucky man.
Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Shane that cat looks great!!! Nice work! I like the pose you picked too, very natural.

As for the "why the fuck did you kill that" post. Yes they are beautiful animanls. You don't just walk in the woods and see them like squirrels, they are for the most part nocturnal. You find a track, maybe two days old, one day if you are lucky, and you work it with dogs till you tree the cat. Most of the time you are trudging through knee deep now at high elevations for miles. They are growing in population like the freaking wolves and bears. One cat will take 50 + deer each year. A female can have 2 kittens / year. There are probably a dozen within walking distance of my home. You do the math and add in the wolves and a few bears. How long would your deer/elk herd last? What will they eat when the deer and elk are scarce? You may not like them as much after you live with them a while.

Again, Good job Shane, I got mine too this year and he is at the taxidermist. I hope he turns out as nice as yours. He wasn't warm, fuzzy and friendly like a domestic kitty. LOL


Re: B & C Mtn Lion Mount is finished up!

Tip em over ,
You need to give the Taxidermy Man some Props(unless your going to keep him for yourself) on the awesome job on your awesome Lion.

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