B&T APC308 922r Question


Sep 12, 2020
Hey yall,

I'm considering buying an 18" B&T APC 308 DMR. I thought that I can just buy it and not worry about SBR laws (like I would with the 14inch version). Now someone told me that it wouldn't be legal to buy it as a pistol and just throw a stock on it (since this gun is imported as a pistol).

Is this true? I can't just throw a stock on it even though it has >16inch barrel? I've never heard of this 922r rule before. I thought this was only for people who want to import firearms, not for citizens.

Can anyone give me some advice about this? I'm thinking fuck the law to be honest.

To be clear: I don't want to SBR anything. I would just go with a different 308 instead of SBRing anything.
After reading more about it, I decided I’ll just go with a different 308 semi. It’s just not worth the trouble. Many great American built rifles like KAC or maybe the Scar 20s.
