B14-R ejection issue


Jul 21, 2024
So I have a b14-R 22.
Got about 3,000 rounds through it.
Probably the last 250 rounds. I've been noticing ejection issues.
The infamous bhagara jam where the round falls behind the magazine and it's of Royal pain in the ass to get it out where you're on the clock for 2 minutes.

I'm pretty confident that it's the springs on the extractors.
Was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem? What the fixes are where one can get these new springs? Does anybody have a part number?
And yes I already staked the rifle as well.

Thanks for your time
Please help a brother out because it's starting to get super annoying
No need to stake and I don't suggest it. Everything needs to float for alignment purposes. Anyways! If you test the tension of the of the extractors you will notice that one feels way softer (weaker) than the other. There a a few ways to correct it but for me the easy fix was to find a ball bearing that is close to the hole size and drop it in. After that replace the spring and re-assemble. The extra compression due to the reduced space for the spring evens out the tension and that fixed the issue for me. Someone might sell an after market spring kit that fixes the problem as well but I haven't looked into it.
I ordered a 304 stainless spring off Amazon (3mm OD, 0.5mm wire size) cut it 1mm shorter than the original spring, and put the cut end down in the hole.

I also shimmed my ejector with two strips of soda can instead of staking it, worked great. I put them outboard to push it towards the bolt.
Just what worked for me, but it's totally reversible which was important to me.
I had the same issue. If you bother BPI enough they will send you new extractors and springs. I staked the ejector, replaced extractors/springs and the issue went away. I also started using modified vudoo mags. Not sure if that contributed as well.