Barrel fluting - what is it good for?

I agree, I built a 338/06 years back - Hart did work, for a hunting rifle, about at my limit on recoil for getting some range time. Highly recommend a good recoil pad like a Decelerator or similar. Never used a brake, very loud, but they might have a purpose for range work, can remove it for a hunt. I always wear plugs and muffs and sure you may do the same. Good luck on your rifle sir. Not real familiar but gather that is more rifle than a Win Mag, and perhaps a 340 WBY. It will come back on you ;)

Good shooting/hunting.

Since this gun is 338 Norma Magnum, weight is a good thing.

The shoulder I save will be my own.
I don't normally have a dog in this type of fights, and I don't have ANY fluted barrels. Three years ago I shot the Winsconsin HP state championship on the same target as Boots Obermeyer. Boots had a model 70 match rifle (probably older than I am) with a heavy barrel with SERIOUS fluting. I did not ask him why he had the flutes, it might have been for weight savings as he is in his eighties. But, I don't think he would bother if he felt they negatively affected the accuracy. I think though that it is safe to say that Boots has forgot more about rifle barrels than most of us will ever know.