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Be careful at the gun shows

I quit going when the Ultra Leftwing Nut Jobs, and their brainwashed lackies, started taking down license plates from near-by States.

Of course I’ve got more interesting crap than most leople can imagine... all of which would greatly disturb them. ;)
It happens in gun stores too both A/ND and those who load rounds into firearms.

All firearms are always loaded!!! I have cleared, handed the firearm to a customer, got it back, cleared it, he says let me look one more time, I clear it and hand it to him and they ask why do keep checking the firearm. All firearms are always loaded teaching time.

Customer starts stuffing rounds into a 375 because he wanted to know how many rounds it would hold, didn't believe me or CZ; heard hollow points don't feed well so tested them at the counter; unholster his Glock and proceeded to dump rounds in the floor trying to clear it, he had no idea why the rounds kept feeding, he even said so while shaking his head in wonderment; reloader bring in his pet load and wants to test them in a new xxxx to see if his reloads feed before buying; and firearms do come with rounds in the chamber from the factory, I have seen it maybe 10 times in 17 years. My rule was no ammo on the counter period, it torqued a few customers and it wouldn't stop it all.

Seen videos with LE /BATF where some come in with loaded mag, ask for a gun, stuff the mag and rob / steal the firearm, run out the store with a loaded firearm.

During peak times, so many people at the tables it would be hard for the sellers to watch everyone so bring a good supply of zip ties. I have been to a couple with a rule that all firearms must be and remain in unfiring condition.

For what gun shows charge for a table/booth, its no wonder how much high markup junk they have to sell. I was checking out knives and every single one was made in China and priced more than a new Gerber. Last one I went to looking to check the market, there were as many non firearm related tables as there were firearms. And many firearms (used) were higher priced than a customer can buy at a actual gun shop.
A little hard to imagine a scenario where a idiot who carelessly flagged someone with his muzzle at the range is drawn upon and disarmed at gunpoint. What would you do if he refused? Assuming you're not a sworn officer, he needn't obey you. Obviously a range officer could tell him to clear his weapon and leave forever. Not sure a fellow citizen could disarm him at gunpoint.
Imminent peril to innocent life. It matters not a bit whether he is a homicidal maniac or ignorant douchebag.
In the situation mentioned, have fun explaining it, or fighting it in court, and hope I am not a juror, for I am not on your side.
Get it under control, tell the fucktard to hit the road and not come back.
In the situation mentioned, have fun explaining it, or fighting it in court, and hope I am not a juror, for I am not on your side.
Get it under control, tell the fucktard to hit the road and not come back.

So in your mind waving a loaded firearm around and pointing it at people who present zero threat to you does not constitute imminent peril? If you ever get selected for jury duty I pray to God that the defense attorney sees your post. You are excused, sir.

So if you wander into a convenience store and find yourself in the exact same situation, looking down the business end, do you need to divine his intentions? How do you know he has no intention of shooting anyone and only wants the money? Those are the ones that when they get shot their families wail in front of the nearest TV camera that their darling Did'n Do Nuffin would never have hurt anyone. He even buys flowers for his mother on Mother's Day.

How do you know whether he has no intention of leaving witnesses? I know a guy who was in that situation. It turned out the guy had no intention of leaving witnesses. He took nine rounds to the face and neck. He lived to testify, but he wishes he had a gun.
Well, there is a small difference between a man turning from a firing line at a gun range and someone with a drawn weapon at a late night convenience store.
So in your mind waving a loaded firearm around and pointing it at people who present zero threat to you does not constitute imminent peril? If you ever get selected for jury duty I pray to God that the defense attorney sees your post. You are excused, sir.

So if you wander into a convenience store and find yourself in the exact same situation, looking down the business end, do you need to divine his intentions? How do you know he has no intention of shooting anyone and only wants the money? Those are the ones that when they get shot their families wail in front of the nearest TV camera that their darling Did'n Do Nuffin would never have hurt anyone. He even buys flowers for his mother on Mother's Day.

How do you know whether he has no intention of leaving witnesses? I know a guy who was in that situation. It turned out the guy had no intention of leaving witnesses. He took nine rounds to the face and neck. He lived to testify, but he wishes he had a gun.
How does loss of control of a S&W 500 from a guy shooting on a range compare to an armed robber in a friggin convenience store?
How does loss of control of a S&W 500 from a guy shooting on a range compare to an armed robber in a friggin convenience store?

One is the exact comparison to the other whether it is you or some other innocent party standing in front of it. There is zero difference. The intent or lack thereof by the one holding the gun is completely irrelevant. If you are found dead with a hole in you, whether the shooter deliberately murdered you or was just an ignorant douchebag doesn't make you any more or less dead. Someone putting others in that precarious moment needs to be stopped regardless of intent or stupidity.

If I had been in the situation described above, I would command that person to remove the finger from the trigger guard and put the gun down. As long as he was a threat to others, he would be looking down my barrel.
Apologies to skip out on this all day to spend time doing other stuff, like hanging with family and stuff.

There is significant back story.
Guy comes to store. Passes 4473, buys revolver and ammo. Goes to range that is part of the store.
This is mid day, mid week. I know everyone else there. Its my regular shooting time.

Lots of regulars at this place. I know most all the members and all the employees. I picked up on the subtleties as he came in and got squared away. Thats what we are supposed to be good at right? Situational awareness. In my line of work, I read people all day long and something seemed different.

He didnt lose control. He shot (poorly) then turned the gun with his finger on the trigger at the group of guys. He didnt react to the guys jumping behind bullet proof lane dividers (first 2). He had on the ear pro from the shop, couldnt hear with those on, besides just touching off a 3” 500.

As for your arrogance about a Jury, you do not belong on one. Reread the COTUS.
This range has full video coverage of the whole range area (figure they all do) that would have shown what happened clearly without a darn word from me.

I am finished with this conversation.

Good day
One is the exact comparison to the other whether it is you or some other innocent party standing in front of it. There is zero difference. The intent or lack thereof by the one holding the gun is completely irrelevant. If you are found dead with a hole in you, whether the shooter deliberately murdered you or was just an ignorant douchebag doesn't make you any more or less dead. Someone putting others in that precarious moment needs to be stopped regardless of intent or stupidity.

If I had been in the situation described above, I would command that person to remove the finger from the trigger guard and put the gun down. As long as he was a threat to others, he would be looking down my barrel.

To the idiots that says they would draw down on somebody at the range. Don't draw your gun down on somebody unless you are going to kill them. This is taught in every chl class.

Now imgaine you are at a gun range, you turn around and somebody is drawn down, aiming, finger on the trigger at some random person. What are you gonna do? Bet a jury would find a person shooting you more justified than you shooting a guy that needed some teaching.

Verbal commands would have worked 1000x better. All you did by drawing your weapon was make the situation catastrophically more dangerous. I would not want to be at a range anywhere near you.
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So when guys are swinging loaded guns around flagging everyone, ones self included, would you draw on them and make them put it down?

As per CO law, I would be in fear and absolutely think my life was in immediate danger.

Had some douche do that at my range a couple years back.
RO was at his 8 oclock and the guy turned with his brand new 500 S&W, fully loaded (minus the 1 he just shot) and swept the other 3 of us that had stepped out of our lanes to watch the fool.
I was just clear of my holster when the RO got his arm, commanded him to remove his hand from the trigger, and guided him back into his lane. They took his pistol, unloaded and boxed it up. He was informed he could return to the range once he had completed their basic handgun safety class and was advised to possible look into a pistol he could actually control and shoot.

What retard even poses the "draw on them and make them put it down" question?

Talk about not the right response to someone else's safety violation.

People like you only make a bad situation worse with your shitty response.
You sound like the type of person that runs around with water looking for a grease fire to throw it on.

Learn how to de escalate a situation buddy, not add to it.
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