Be honest who would miss CA

Does that include the lawyer fees we need to pay to have someone digest the shit we are "agreeing to" when we use that website? What about the legal fees involved when CA DOJ sues us for something misprinted on the form that we shouldn't even have to fill out in the first place? One minute to you, is more like 10 minutes in reality... and even at that, its 10 minutes I don't have to spend when sending a rifle to an FFL in any other state in the goddamn country. I know, you californians are experts at dealing with stupid unconstitutional shit... but out here in other states... we aren't. So maybe you cut US some slack? It's THAT state that is different... not the rest of them... remember?

Then we're labeled unpatriotic cocksuckers, right? If we don't want to deal with the governmental red tape and hassle of it... we draw the spite of every gun owner in the whole goddamn state.

I don't give a flying shit about how big "the california market is." Last I checked, CA was still part of the United States... and everyone in this country is potentially "my market." My view is that you guys are on the "front line" so to speak. I'm not going to withhold our goods, from the people that might end up needing it the most. It doesn't have one fucking thing to do with money. It has to do with what is right. Try that argument from now on hairball... I think you might have more success.

Hell, I think most californian gun owners could do with a lesson on how to argue their points. If you guys could just relate to the rest of us, being honest about what is wrong, instead of trying to have us conform to CA's way, which is totally backwards... you'd find more supporters.

On that same note, most non-californians could do with a lesson on what is actually happening in places like CA, IL, and NY. If they lose the fight there... we lose the fight EVERYWHERE.

You need a Snickers Bar

Just won my business...

You think you can put words in my mouth? I don't have bias against californians. I have bias against pompous shitheads that think what they drive or own is the measuring stick for their performance in this world. Lots of those types of people seem to be in CA, IL, and NY. Coincidence?

My neighbor has 4 combines, with a price tag in excess of $300,000 each... which he only drives 3-4 weeks out of the year. Some of these small town farmers have operations worth in excess of 50-100 million. So forgive me if I'm not impressed by your fucking BMW and the rest of the shit you listed. I could point out that in the last year alone we've had 3 HUGE farmers, and 1 HUGE cattle rancher move to south dakota from California. Apparently you guys have excessively high taxes and cost of living along with grossly abusive government agencies... or something like that.

THIS vendor, has no problem with letting people know how he thinks... because certain customers... I DON'T WANT. I suppose you'd rather deal with the types that remain silent, and walk the middle of the road to ensure they get every damn bit of money they can scrape, from wherever they can scrape it. Damn right I don't have a problem selling to Californians. I have a LOT of customers in California, and they are all awesome guys. None of them have ever bragged about what they drive/own in here that I'm aware of, while running down another guy for the size of town he's in, and how much money they make there on average.

You like where you live? Great. Other people like where they live too... So if you like it there and want to brag about how awesome it is, good on you... go for it. Just do it without running down people without an income that matches yours and small town people like myself won't view you as an elitist. Simple right?
Lets face it CA Is a drain on all of us that pay taxes. If all it has to offer is surfing and things to see it is a waist. If you like it there good. CA Has produce. But no one said so. All anyone could think of was the surfing and trees. CA has just about suck up all the water they have. I wonder where they will get water from now.As far as oil goes CA is fuck there.

Read a little. California has eight largest economy in the World. We pay more in taxes than most. Just so we can talk on even foot just how much tax did you pay last year. I bet my wife and I more than equaled your contribution to USA

The problem is all the dumb ass well fare idiots that move here from every other state around because we pay them more. If we could just fix our well fare problem the state would go back to being best in US.
You think you can put words in my mouth? I don't have bias against californians. I have bias against pompous shitheads that think what they drive or own is the measuring stick for their performance in this world. Lots of those types of people seem to be in CA, IL, and NY. Coincidence?

My neighbor has 4 combines, with a price tag in excess of $300,000 each... which he only drives 3-4 weeks out of the year. Some of these small town farmers have operations worth in excess of 50-100 million. So forgive me if I'm not impressed by your fucking BMW and the rest of the shit you listed. I could point out that in the last year alone we've had 3 HUGE farmers, and 1 HUGE cattle rancher move to south dakota from California. Apparently you guys have excessively high taxes and cost of living along with grossly abusive government agencies... or something like that.

THIS vendor, has no problem with letting people know how he thinks... because certain customers... I DON'T WANT. I suppose you'd rather deal with the types that remain silent, and walk the middle of the road to ensure they get every damn bit of money they can scrape, from wherever they can scrape it. Damn right I don't have a problem selling to Californians. I have a LOT of customers in California, and they are all awesome guys. None of them have ever bragged about what they drive/own in here that I'm aware of, while running down another guy for the size of town he's in, and how much money they make there on average.

You like where you live? Great. Other people like where they live too... So if you like it there and want to brag about how awesome it is, good on you... go for it. Just do it without running down people without an income that matches yours and small town people like myself won't view you as an elitist. Simple right?

Well we hate the same things for sure.

The problem is this. California, Texas or Where Ever USA all has good and bad people. Assholes find ass holes where they go

I love the USA and really think its full of great folks with a splash of ass holes here and there.
My fair state has been corrupted so badly by NY and Oregon Carpetbagging liberals it's sickening. The California(Nor-Cal) I left was a bastion of great vineyards, superb small organic farms, a few microbrewed beers, and a ton of great food. Then there was the pig and deer hunting. Not this hang out in a tree bullshit you all call hunting, but track, locate, and kill hunting. Then there are the back roads for vehicular fun and antics. Oh, but wait, the best thing I left behind was the girls!
Now, shoot, hair farming hippy wannabes, liberal bullshit wherever you turn, safety nazis galore, and a metric ton of economy siphoning illegal aliens.
California needs an enema in the form of a very violent civil war that would make both liberal and illegal run away crying for one more check before they left.

What I really miss though right now, is the ability to go buy a bottle of wine for well under what I pay for it here, and while I am at that little vineyard, shooting the bull with the owner, and tasting a few others I may like. Oh yeah, then there is Michelle Jordan, Culinary Writer supreme, and one of my favorite red heads(pity she is so liberal though,but we do enjoy one another's company)
Been away from there for 25 years,and the only thing i miss is all the Hotrods and street racing i use to do with my buddies.
However, this place is turning into another liberal commifornia.
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I think the better question is would you miss southern California?
The state should really be cut in 2. We already have a north and South Carolina and North and south Dakota.
Why not a North and South California and then we give the south part to the cartels and the communists? they own it anyway.
I think the better question is would you miss southern California?
The state should really be cut in 2. We already have a north and South Carolina and North and south Dakota.
Why not a North and South California and then we give the south part to the cartels and the communists? they own it anyway.
Actually it's the opposite. Northern Cal, controls it all more liberal counties
Actually it's the opposite. Northern Cal, controls it all more liberal counties
Ummm, not based on the census data. San francisco is liberal but the surrounding areas are not and SF cannot touch LA's population numbers. The population of LA controls the entire state.
Just like the state of New York has a ton of republicans but NY city blows the curve because of it's population, and controls the state politically. LA and surrounding areas have a massive population.
Either way,
I could easily live without southern California. All the good stuff comes from the North in that state anyway.
You think you can put words in my mouth? I don't have bias against californians. I have bias against pompous shitheads that think what they drive or own is the measuring stick for their performance in this world. Lots of those types of people seem to be in CA, IL, and NY. Coincidence?

My neighbor has 4 combines, with a price tag in excess of $300,000 each... which he only drives 3-4 weeks out of the year. Some of these small town farmers have operations worth in excess of 50-100 million. So forgive me if I'm not impressed by your fucking BMW and the rest of the shit you listed. I could point out that in the last year alone we've had 3 HUGE farmers, and 1 HUGE cattle rancher move to south dakota from California. Apparently you guys have excessively high taxes and cost of living along with grossly abusive government agencies... or something like that.

THIS vendor, has no problem with letting people know how he thinks... because certain customers... I DON'T WANT. I suppose you'd rather deal with the types that remain silent, and walk the middle of the road to ensure they get every damn bit of money they can scrape, from wherever they can scrape it. Damn right I don't have a problem selling to Californians. I have a LOT of customers in California, and they are all awesome guys. None of them have ever bragged about what they drive/own in here that I'm aware of, while running down another guy for the size of town he's in, and how much money they make there on average.

You like where you live? Great. Other people like where they live too... So if you like it there and want to brag about how awesome it is, good on you... go for it. Just do it without running down people without an income that matches yours and small town people like myself won't view you as an elitist. Simple right?

You are acting like this isn't the 2nd thread the OP posted bashing California crudely.

Get off your high horse.

Acting like some crusader protecting the "poor small town guy" from the braggart Californian when in fact the ignorant OP had it coming. He gets some sort of perverse jollies or off starting drama and petty pile-on's as he continues to do it.

Your bias against California is clear. I have a bias against patronizing vendors who hate on my state needlessly.

Potential customer lost.
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You are acting like this isn't the 2nd thread the OP posted bashing California crudely.

Get off your high horse.

Acting like some crusader protecting the "poor small town guy" from the braggart Californian when in fact the ignorant OP had it coming. He gets some sort of perverse jollies or off starting drama and petty pile-on's as he continues to do it.

Your bias against California is clear. I have a bias against patronizing vendors who hate on my state needlessly.

Potential customer lost.

I see Orkan still hasn't taken a class in customer relations. lol

Only vendor on the hide that runs his mouth to potential customers 24/7, it's pretty funny to watch the dollars just slip through his hands, and he refuses to understand that. He will be by in a while to tell you how many customers he already has, and gains by speaking his mind. He doesn't want your business. lol
Your bias against California is clear.
Right, that's why I openly support and sell to the citizens there. :rolleyes:

Though if you want to SAY I hate all californians, thinking if you say it, it's true... be my guest. It's not true, and you saying it, won't make it true. If you can't see that, then its best we not have you as a customer. :)

Victory, your continual objections to someone weighing his beliefs above the importance of the almighty dollar, is fucking laughable. How sad a world it is, where everyone is expected the ride the center line for the sake of making money. Truly disgusting.
Right, that's why I openly support and sell to the citizens there. :rolleyes:

Though if you want to SAY I hate all californians, thinking if you say it, it's true... be my guest. It's not true, and you saying it, won't make it true. If you can't see that, then its best we not have you as a customer. :)

Victory, your continual objections to someone weighing his beliefs above the importance of the almighty dollar, is fucking laughable. How sad a world it is, where everyone is expected the ride the center line for the sake of making money. Truly disgusting.

I never said it's your beliefs, I actually agree with you on this one. You are just an abrasive person who runs his mouth to potential customers instead of talking like a normal person. Every other vendor on the hide has opinions, and they state them tactfully and without acting like an ass all the time. You and I see eye to eye on probably 99% of topics, but I would never purchase a thing from you, based solely on the way you carry yourself on the here, it has nothing to do with money. This is something you will never understand, and you will just continue to ignore it, and I will continue to laugh as potential customers refuse to purchase from you.
I never said it's your beliefs, I actually agree with you on this one. You are just an abrasive person who runs his mouth to potential customers instead of talking like a normal person. Every other vendor on the hide has opinions, and they state them tactfully and without acting like an ass all the time. You and I see eye to eye on probably 99% of topics, but I would never purchase a thing from you, based solely on the way you carry yourself on the here, it has nothing to do with money. This is something you will never understand, and you will just continue to ignore it, and I will continue to laugh as potential customers refuse to purchase from you.

Agree with me, but don't like the delivery eh? awwwww. Life's tough buttercup... get a helmet.
Says Mr. Serious that feels the need to let me know how he feels about me on the hide every few weeks. Starting to get the impression I don't give a shit what you think yet? You should be. You think business means walking in the middle of the road, getting money from whoever I can get it from. I think business means letting customers know exactly who I am, and exactly what we are selling, with no bullshit... and let them decide for themselves whether they want to work with us. This, based on the facts of honesty and integrity... two things I'll NEVER fucking sell. I won't be changing anytime soon... and damn sure won't be changing because you want to dangle the "think how much more money you'd make" carrot in front of my face. Starting to get it? ... or do you want to continue disrupting threads by posting off topic shit about how you see my business being run every time the urge hits you?
My 02. West coast: it's all about "who you are, who you know."
East coast: it's all about "what you do, how do you do it."
Midwest: it's all about "who you do, where do you do it."
Middle east: it's all about "did I wash my rag yesterday, or the day before"
North: it's all about "is that a popsicle under the sheets or are you just happy"
South: it's all about "big things, wild wings and nascar."
My 02. West coast: it's all about "who you are, who you know."
East coast: it's all about "what you do, how do you do it."
Midwest: it's all about "who you do, where do you do it."
Middle east: it's all about "did I wash my rag yesterday, or the day before"
North: it's all about "is that a popsicle under the sheets or are you just happy"
South: it's all about "big things, wild wings and nascar."
Says Mr. Serious that feels the need to let me know how he feels about me on the hide every few weeks. Starting to get the impression I don't give a shit what you think yet? You should be. You think business means walking in the middle of the road, getting money from whoever I can get it from. I think business means letting customers know exactly who I am, and exactly what we are selling, with no bullshit... and let them decide for themselves whether they want to work with us. This, based on the facts of honesty and integrity... two things I'll NEVER fucking sell. I won't be changing anytime soon... and damn sure won't be changing because you want to dangle the "think how much more money you'd make" carrot in front of my face. Starting to get it? ... or do you want to continue disrupting threads by posting off topic shit about how you see my business being run every time the urge hits you?

Lol, don't flatter yourself, I've only said a couple of things to you since you have become a member. One on your used car saleman tactics when talking about how much better TT scopes were than every other scope ever made, before they were even released. There is this post, and maybe another random comment.

I'll let you get back to this hard hitting, I hate California thread; you are doing good at alienating customers without my help.
I'll let you get back to this hard hitting, I hate California thread
Oh, right from the liberal playbook... just keep repeating a lie until it becomes true.

I just talked with a gentleman from California this morning. He was very happy to hear I have no problem doing business with him!

I find that people are perfectly OK receiving calls from a dealer on saturday morning, whether they are from CA or not. ... but that must be my shitty business sense you are always talking about kicking in again. Guess I should have waited a week before calling him. ;)
Oh, right from the liberal playbook... just keep repeating a lie until it becomes true.

I just talked with a gentleman from California this morning. He was very happy to hear I have no problem doing business with him!

I find that people are perfectly OK receiving calls from a dealer on saturday morning, whether they are from CA or not. ... but that must be my shitty business sense you are always talking about kicking in again. Guess I should have waited a week before calling him. ;)

Your Ad Hominem argument doesn't change anything. Attempting to lable what I say as, "right from the liberal playbook" is laughable.

I'm glad you have some business sense, you want a cookie? It still doesn't change the way many view you on here.
So the fact that I'm actively courting customers from California, knowing that I'll never do business with someone I have a problem with, doesn't support my argument that I have no problem with californians? Who the hell you kidding?

It still doesn't change the way many view you on here.
I should hope not. :)

If you're a measure of what "many on here" view me as... I wouldn't have done so well here. We take care of our customers with a passion rarely found, new and old... and your bullshit isn't going to change that.
I've missed a lot since I've moved from California. Yes, I've had some bad experiences as well as there are a bunch of weirdos there, however they are everywhere and bad experiences are the same.
Public land.
Waking up, getting on the dirt bike going for a morning ride in the sun in the desert. Going to the mountains, jumping off cliffs into the cold spring water. Heck, in the high desert you don't need lights at midnight under the desert moon. The stars? Never knew there were so many until I lived in the high desert.
Non Judging friends.
Like I said before, it's who you are and who you know.
Where else can you go motor biking in the desert, shooting at a ghost town, ski in the mountains, swim at a beach, and practically all in one day?
So the fact that I'm actively courting customers from California, knowing that I'll never do business with someone I have a problem with, doesn't support my argument that I have no problem with californians? Who the hell you kidding?

I should hope not. :)

If you're a measure of what "many on here" view me as... I wouldn't have done so well here. We take care of our customers with a passion rarely found, new and old... and your bullshit isn't going to change that.

Let me restate it since your reading comprehension is lacking, I never said anything about your views. One more time, I never said anything about your views.

I posted after another member stated they would never do business with you, not the first one of those I have seen. I stated that I could see your customer relation skills still haven't improved; nothing was stated about your views. I don’t know why you are trying to prove to me that you like California, other than you are trying to do some damage control now.

You do well here because you are associated with the hide as a vendor, and many try to support those vendors. I really don't know why I even said anything; I couldn’t give two shits if you drive customers away with your personality. You are probably a great guy in person, and we could drink some beers, shoot the shit about rifles and optics and would get along in person. On the net, you come off as someone I would never want to associate myself with and will never purchase a thing from.

Since you want to keep talking about this like I give a shit, I will let you have the last word. You can talk about how great you are, how liberal I am, and how awesome your company is.

Have fun, I'm out.
I really don't know why I even said anything
I don't either... since each time you do it... it leads right to where we are now. Since you are the one that initiates, perhaps you'll LEARN from this encounter and leave it the fuck alone next time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. You don't see me trolling your posts and jumping in your face with off-topic bullshit the way you are. While teaching me not to be an asshole, maybe try addressing me as anything but an asshole yourself... maybe even in a PM. Otherwise the fact that you really don't give a shit about affecting change, and just want to let your ass out in public (the same goddamn thing you are bitching at me about) will continue to be blatantly obvious.
Come on people YALL can do better than this. There has to be some CA people out there that are not peter puffers. Like the ones here defending CA. You CA bisex what ever you are now need to step up. Defend CA
You are acting like this isn't the 2nd thread the OP posted bashing California crudely.

Get off your high horse.

Acting like some crusader protecting the "poor small town guy" from the braggart Californian when in fact the ignorant OP had it coming. He gets some sort of perverse jollies or off starting drama and petty pile-on's as he continues to do it.

Your bias against California is clear. I have a bias against patronizing vendors who hate on my state needlessly.

Potential customer lost.

I lived in Kali for 28+ years, finely got out, and GLAD I left, as for a lost customer I don't think that should be a problem
unless his business depends on sale of lead free ammo and bullet buttons (LOLOLOLOLOL)