So a guy was selling a keg of powder. It happens.
Gallery kicked in comments about shipping restrictions.
Really none of anyone's business other than the buyer and the seller.
It's almost as if we've got a rule about that even. Weird, right?
So I cleaned the thread and issued some 7 day bans.
Here's why, beyond the fact that it's my job, I mean...
1. Oh look, there actually IS a rule about making irrelevant comments on PX threads. Who knew?!
2. Setting the thread on fire with comments and reports about comments means that the site ownership and staff have now been made aware of some details that could come into play in negative ways later, should someone's shipment of let's say "Baby Powder" get flagged and investigated.
So the bans lasted less than overnight, and I come back the next morning and I'm getting PMs from the same shitheads that I banned for a week just a few hours previous.
What I didn't see was a PM from any other staff member asking me about why I banned them, or even a heads up saying, "Hey, I unbanned these shitheads because..."
So the rules don't apply to when you pay to play. Good to know.
There's more, but that was the straw that put it over capacity for me.
So I am enjoying some downtime.
Getting things done elsewhere.
And a friend gave me a beach house for a nice long weekend.
Stuff like that makes you really appreciate true friends.
Let's give it another week...