Bedding a Rem 700 in a HS Precision Take Off Stock


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Full Member
Jul 4, 2011
Southeast US
I searched and didn't find enough to insure I understand what is required to successfully bed the action into this stock. As I understand, this stock has an aluminum bedding block that will require sanding to get the Devcon to adhere to it. Here are some questions:

Do I "pillar" the action? Where do I get the pillars? How do I insure the pillars are the correct length?

From what I have read, taping, applying release agents, and applying putty to all the holes is really important and I need to take my time here.

The one video I watched really loaded up the bolts and the stock with bedding material. It squeezed out everywhere. Is this really the process?

Once the bedding material is in that's it. It is either successful or the stock is toast, unless I end up gluing the action to the stock.

Any pictures or advise here would be helpful especially dealing with a Remington 700 SPS-AAC 308 in the HS Precision Remington 700 Police stock.

Hey boss when I did this to my 700 I watched this guy on youtube:Rifle bedding 1 - YouTube
From what I could tell he did a fine job and has many other videos that are helpful as well. My stock had a aluminum beding block in it as well and I did not pillar bed it. My bedding block was a "V" block and I just filled in the voids. I do not have any pics of mine on my computer but I will try to get them up off my phone. It came out very well and I had all the confidence in the world after watching the above 7 part video series. Good Luck.
Pillars are used to stop the stock material from compressing when tightening the screws. The HS stock you have shouldn't compress because of that Aluminium bedding block. Best way to bed the HS stocks is to drill/dremel a bunch of holes nearly half an inch deep so that the bedding material will 'key' into the stock/bedding block.
This guy does a HS stock and i'd suggest having a look at a few of the videos - it's been done by a few people
Bedding a Rifle With MatchGrade Bedding Compound