Before you build a trendy Dasher, 6BRA, 6.5 PRC.... the PRS finale was just won with a 6 creedmoor

Seriously? I have shot .260 without a brake for years up until lately and see my impacts and misses just fine. 6 Creed would be cake. I see my impacts when shooting my .338 LM too, though admittedly not always while on barricades and loose supports.

I have the following tactical bolt rifles. 6 mm creedmoor, dasher, bra, fatrat. All shoot 6mm, and i perfer the bra rifle over all the rest for prs tactical. Mine is shooting 105 hybrids at 3010 fps, yes that is a little slower then my creedmoor. But the recoil is next to nothing.
Why don’t you just report them to LL?? I understand he is not doing anything tonite except cleaning his Desert Eagle?

Cheers, Sirhr
Odds are slim, this is LL after seeing me troll Lady Blah Blah.
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What you have to look at is the seeing your shots, the creedmoor will most likely cause you not to see your last shot.
The bra at least on my rifle does not kick anymore then my 22.
I've never liked bras. Even worse if they kick. They are stubborn enough without kicking. Bras should be illegal until 40 years of age. At 50 they should be mandatory.
Says a chump from California who doesn't have enough sense to live in a free state and was probably never a Scout Sniper.

See kids this is why you're a chump if you spend your weekends standing in line at match all day waiting for your turn to shoot when you could be four wheeling into a glorious section BLM or Forestry land miles from another soul and have epic scenery and no line.

I guess you're always a winner if your competition is yourself?
6 creed was in the lead on day one as well. I went there with no load development and loaded some Hornady bullets on top of 41.5 H-4350 and that joker shot lights out. Phillip shot great and the results would probably be the same for the top10 no matter what they used. It's more mental than it is a cartridge comparision.

Good job Phill V!
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