Bergara B-14R in 22WMR vs. 17HMR?

Sid Post

Full Member
May 13, 2006
Texas and Oklahoma, USA
With a basically stock rifle, what sort of accuracy should I expect from the B-14R in 22WMR vs. 17HMR?

I hear lots of negative feedback on 22WMR rifles and praise for the 17HRM versions. I have a little preference for a 22WMR but, not if it has terrible groups with normal ammunition in the marketplace.

On a related note: How hard would it be to change barrels?

Expect 2 inches of spread at 100 yards, average, with both.
Sometimes you get a 1/2 inch 5 shot group,
other times a 3.5 inch group...2 inch average.
There are no match cartridges made in 17 hmr or 22 wmr.
CCI and Winchester are the only makers of 17 hmr cartridges.
CCI, Winchester, Armscor, Aguila, S&B and RWS make 22wmr.
None of them assemble those cartridges for precision shooting.
Hunting, plinking, yes... consistent paper punching trajectories, no.
What do you plan to use the rifle for? Both should be accurate enough for hunting the types of animals at the distances they excel at. Neither is a benchrest gun because, as has been said, the ammunition is not match grade. However, that doesn't mean the guns will not produce impressive accuracy because they will. I have two friends who each own B-14s in 22lr and 17hmr and all four guns are very accurate. the 17s make shooting ground squirrels out to 200+ yards easy on a calm day and still doable on a fairly breeze day if you know the holds.
I am glad I went ahead with a Tikka 17 HMR, shooting quite well!
The 17 HMR is great for small critters like squirrels, rabbits and cats. It's a bit iffy for anything bigger than a fox.
I also bought the Tikka T1x 16-inch. I am extremely happy with it.