I handled a BMR at Scheels like the first couple weeks of its debut. That thing was the grittiest shit feeling action I have ever encountered. I actually stopped and inspected it because I couldn't believe how bad it felt.
I run a early 2019 B14R Carbon. It has ran/cycled/mags locked up perfect for 3 years. Not had a bolt breakage or anything for 6000 rounds of use mostly in a competition format.
I don't buy into the internet b.s. about carbon's shooting bad. Simply because I think I have encountered 1 carbon for 10 steel barreled guns over the course of 3 years. And every fucking time somebody posts online carbons shoot bad.... its always "I hear they don't shoot as good." Not....."My Carbon shoots bad." Statisically speaking....I don't think many people have Carbons to even be giving their fucking opinion.
The 3 Carbons I've encountered....NOT A FUCKING ONE OF THEM shoots any better or worse than a steel on average across production. I've presented 50yd groups here and on other platforms of my performance over a entire summer. Placed in the Top 5 in my region prior to shooting NRL22 Nationals in Nebraska.
Has it been all roses....no. Mine hates my suppressor....
it really pisses me off.
During Nationals I smoked the hardest stage of the match as my first stage of the match on the windiest day shooting out 350yds basically cold. And then damn near cleaned the next 3 stages. Only to have it completely fuck up after the lunch break and not hit the broad side of a barn. I zeroed practically the next 7 stages that day. Went back and cleaned it with a bore snake 3 times and hoppes (cuz thats all I had with me and didn't have the time to walk the 1.2 miles back to the truck) to have the gun somewhat come back. Gun was shooting so amazingly bad. Cleaned it at the hotel checked zero the next day. Day 2 was better. Despite bombing half of Day 1.....I still beat half the field at the end. So I wasn't too happy with that outcome.
I don't sugar coat shit. Expect no pity and don't ask for any. But I will damned if I've seen anyone post anything other than heresay when it comes to Carbons.
The BMR just doesn't impress me. It's not got much in terms of stocks. The only advantage is the weight. You want a BMR...fine. You want it really light? Buy a Carbon. You don't care so much about weight? Buy the steel. I personally don't feel the Carbon B14R is a bad gun for a hunting rig. Yeah it costs more. I wish Bergara would offer a wider forend factory stock for the B14R. And the HMR stock is more akin to a hunting stock with a cheekriser than a dedicated match stock. To me, the pros of the B14R outweighs the cons of the BMR.