If it’s in your budget, get the Vudoo (or wait for the Ultimatum Deuce, etc.). Having owned one and let it go, I wish I still had it.I couldn’t afford to keep it at the time, and have been looking at other options (including the Bergara) to fill in while I save back up for another Vudoo, and I think I’m just going to get a 457 to run for now. Much less expensive than the Bergara, accurate enough to have fun (I’m not trying to kid anyone into believing I can win an NRL22 match just yet!), and their resale is decent enough that I can sell it to finish off the Vudoo funds when I get to that point, if I want to.
But seriously, the Vudoo is the most amazing .22 I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning, and while expensive, they’re well worth the cost!
I am in the exact same boat. Surely wish I didn’t need the money that required me to sell it off. But that’s how life rolls.