At a reloading class this weekend the instructor said he got lots of flyers with Berger bullets and recommends Sierra Matchkings
Can anyone confirm?
Nope, always had good to fair results with 140 Berger Hybrids in 6.5 CM. Best bullet i have ever shot at 600 yards. [Have not tried the exotic hand made BR bullets that you have to order 6 months in advance. I suspect they are very good, but i don’t actually need groups below 0.25” at 100.]
Also had good results with 142 SMK at 100 and 200. But BC is too low to be competitive at 600-1000 yards, too much wind drift. Very easy to do load development, very jump tolerant. Very easy to find, and a better price. Best bullet of 2001. Has been superseded by better designs IMHO.
I know some BR folks would sneer at anything but small volume boutique bullets. But SMKs would not be able to compete at this level.
For what i do, Berger is top tier.
In Brian Litz’s latest book he claims the SMKs have worse jacket consistency than the Berger bullets... and a box of SMKs will cause some fliers, but since he designed the Berger projectiles, i am taking that with a grain of salt.
Your reloading instructor is not going to maintain his credibility for long...