Re: Best .308 Win Dies.
Forster BR FL sizers, because of the great expander design they have.
Forster BR seaters, with or without the micrometer heads. All the calibrated head does is make it seasier to change the depth a little faster, no mic seating head makes any better ammo. Reddings seater is a copy of the Forster and sells for a higher price with no added value.
Lee Collet Neck sizers, they make some very straight necks with absouluty no hassles about what size neck bushings to use.
Don't think any RCBS or Hornady dies are in the top tier. Maybe tied with Lyman and Lee for third place behind Forster and Redding. ??
Finally, it really doesn't seem to make any difference what press the dies get used in. (Okay, okay, never mind the howls!) I've READ many opinion based arguments on the web to the contrary. But I've NEVER SEEN anyone attempt to actually compare different presses, properly used, to prove better average loaded accuracy according to a concentricity gage used on the finished ammo.
Has anyone here ever seen such a comparision press test attempted...?