Best ballistic calculator currently?

We have a CivTak plugin, but its not available for sale to individuals only higher level sales. If someone wants more information they need to email us with their credentials through their official email to start the discussion. It is currently ITAR controlled.
Hey Doc. Got on board with the app recently, was wondering if Vortex reticle are coming? EBR-7C
Reviving Zombie Thread - I still miss Strelock but...
Has anyone tried the new Lapua Ballistic App? I skipped the email login but was still able to create basic cartridges and rifles etc. I would think that their ballistics is close to good. The main screen on the app has option for windcalls/corrections. There were options for moving target etc. I will be playing with this more soon - I'm just wondering if it's a brand new option or if it has been released already and I just missed it.

A little more...
I have a crappy cheap mint mobile phone that was about the cheapest one you can get like 2 years ago when signup. Well recently I had been having issues with it filling up with data to the point I couldn't send text or pics etc.. So I deleted all my pics and videos and downloads and still the same. Eventually I find its buried in a sent file for the messenger app - I deleted all that and issues resolved. Well Strelock was one of those Apps I deleted. I'm still considering a separate non apple tablet to run only ballistics. Any android options that could do that with no phone service attached or monthly service attached would be awesome. I'm really not much into external/proprietary ballistics systems included in rangefinders, or kestrels etc.

Before I deleted Strelock I saved to another drive for potential future restore. I still have it and was just recently looking at some nerd projects with Rasberry Pi, that reminded me to see if there were any tablets that could be used to load Strelock which prompted me to try my now (mostly) cleaned phone for a ballistics app. The Lapua one looks good I will try it meanwhile.
Happy shooting
Reviving Zombie Thread - I still miss Strelock but...
Has anyone tried the new Lapua Ballistic App? I skipped the email login but was still able to create basic cartridges and rifles etc. I would think that their ballistics is close to good. The main screen on the app has option for windcalls/corrections. There were options for moving target etc. I will be playing with this more soon - I'm just wondering if it's a brand new option or if it has been released already and I just missed it.

A little more...
I have a crappy cheap mint mobile phone that was about the cheapest one you can get like 2 years ago when signup. Well recently I had been having issues with it filling up with data to the point I couldn't send text or pics etc.. So I deleted all my pics and videos and downloads and still the same. Eventually I find its buried in a sent file for the messenger app - I deleted all that and issues resolved. Well Strelock was one of those Apps I deleted. I'm still considering a separate non apple tablet to run only ballistics. Any android options that could do that with no phone service attached or monthly service attached would be awesome. I'm really not much into external/proprietary ballistics systems included in rangefinders, or kestrels etc.

Before I deleted Strelock I saved to another drive for potential future restore. I still have it and was just recently looking at some nerd projects with Rasberry Pi, that reminded me to see if there were any tablets that could be used to load Strelock which prompted me to try my now (mostly) cleaned phone for a ballistics app. The Lapua one looks good I will try it meanwhile.
Happy shooting
If you have an android phone, you can get Strelok Pro through the Samsung store. I have an android and I got Strelok Pro originally from the Google Play Store. Then, their gayness showed through and it was no longer available for updates.

When I went to Samsung, I paid for it again but it was updated,

Maybe buy a Samsung cheaply on a monthly plan, download what you need, cancel the plan.

So, that is what Ryan Reynolds is not telling you. But he's making money selling cheap phones.
If you have an android phone, you can get Strelok Pro through the Samsung store. I have an android and I got Strelok Pro originally from the Google Play Store. Then, their gayness showed through and it was no longer available for updates.

When I went to Samsung, I paid for it again but it was updated,

Maybe buy a Samsung cheaply on a monthly plan, download what you need, cancel the plan.

So, that is what Ryan Reynolds is not telling you. But he's making money selling cheap phones.
Samsung did hold out for a while but eventually removed it from the Galaxy App store. Some still have luck using the Samsung transfer app to copy it to a new Samsung device.

Currently the Huawei app store is the only source for an updated version, which I personally won't use on a primary device. Cheap un-activated phone and prepaid cards to purchase store credits with and new email for that device.

Hopefully things return to normal availability soon.
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Has anyone tried the new Lapua Ballistic App? I skipped the email login but was still able to create basic cartridges and rifles etc. I would think that their ballistics is close to good. The main screen on the app has option for windcalls/corrections. There were options for moving target etc. I will be playing with this more soon - I'm just wondering if it's a brand new option or if it has been released already and I just missed it.
The 6DOF bits only apply to Lapua projectiles, which they have data for. In practice, this means accurate spin drift calculations (significantly more accurate than Litz's formula, which everybody else seems to use), and accurate predictions of transsonic stability.

Other than that, it is just as precise as any other serious app out there; given the same inputs they all give the same results down to a rounding error close. The difference is made by the interface / personal preferences (I quite like Lapua's -- most operations are on the same screen), and the availability of custom drag profiles for transsonic onwards -- Lapua for Lapua, Hornady for Hornady, AB for most else.

This said, Lapua's app seems to be a bit more battery-hungry than the others.
Most excellent review Sir - thank you for the input. I'm moving forward with it as a base.
In other news...
I have some Adafruit Microcontrollers on the way and may be using them as an Ubuntu/NGINX web server to host HTML pages of Dope via Wifi when I get to the range - Thuper-Nerd-Thit...
...waiting for my new 6.5 barrel to get here to start loading and put into the Lapua BC.
When I was in Japan, AB was a struggle and Hornady ruled. I’m talking major fudging on BCs for AB to get students’ rifles trued up. For Hornady to line up and be awesome, you really need to go through entire step by step process. Their YouTube videos are great.

In the states, AB is my go to, have it on my wrist, binos, kestrel, phone. Love it

I don’t feel drawn to mess with anything else because AB works and it’s in all my other equipment.

These other solvers will have to do the same if they want to compete I think
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For solid results and ease of use, I’m finding the AB Quantum to be the new Strelock, but with AB custom curves. Simple for those new to the ballistic calculator world too. I will probably use AB in my Vortex Fury’s stand alone for hunting, and continue to use the AB Kestrel for matches. I may push environmentals to the binos a couple of times if they change much while I’m hunting.
For solid results and ease of use, I’m finding the AB Quantum to be the new Strelock, but with AB custom curves. Simple for those new to the ballistic calculator world too. I will probably use AB in my Vortex Fury’s stand alone for hunting, and continue to use the AB Kestrel for matches. I may push environmentals to the binos a couple of times if they change much while I’m hunting.
AB Quantum kicks ass. For matches, I like the fury with AB tied to my garmin 701 or 901.

I always find the targets in my binos before each stage anyway. Easy to throw a laser on them and then the ranges get sent straight to the target card in the garmin, on my wrist.

I still run a data card holder for the stages that directors really just make the whole stage a clusterfuck.
Great data and reading... My microcontroller adventure continues, to wait for more parts - proper voltage power supply.

"that directors really just make the whole stage a clusterfuck." - this made me laugh and why I will never be a stage director.