Best cleaner/lube/copper remover


Full Member
Aug 10, 2010
Ok folks,

What do you guys think is best to use for copper fouling removal, powder removal, and lube?

I've heard to stay away from CLP aas well as gun scrubber. Slip 2000 seems to be quite popular.

So, I was thinking blast my whole AR with synthetic gun scrubber and then come back and re-lube everythng with something like Slip 2000.

On a different note, what do you guys think about using bore snakes to clean a barrel? I've heard putting a drop of Hoppe #9 on them and running them though once or twice gets ride of 90% of fouling in the barrel.

Everyone has there own method I just dont want to be using some stuff like CLP that I have a full can of that comes unreccomended from the Hide. Maybe just FP-10 for lube all over the BCG or moving parts?

Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

Right tools for the right job. The bore snake is good for a quick pull in the field but when doing a good cleaning at home use a good one piece rod like a Dewey or Tipton and a bore guide like the Lucus.

I use Butches Bore Shine which takes out powder and copper fouling pretty well. For bore oil I use a patch of Kroil.
Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

Some of those copper removers sure smell foul. I currently use Hoppe's Bench Rest 9. It is okay, but very very slow. It does nothing if you run a patch of it thru the bore and then dry it with another patch a few minutes later. Overnight is a must and sometimes two applications over two nights are necessary. At least it doesn't smell as bad...leads me to believe its just a watered down solvent.

Anybody try Hoppe's Elite Copper Terminator Gel? Reviews for it looked decent but expensive.
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Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

I have used it before and it works well. Just liked Kroil better for the bore.
Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

For the bore (any weapon that fires copper jacketed bullets): Butch's Bore Shine
For the bore (lead bullets only): Shooter's Choice
For Cleaning: M Pro 7 Cleaner
For Lubricant (bolt guns): Sinclair's Bolt Grease on lugs and at rear of bolt
For Lubricant (pistols): Hoppe's Elite Gun Oil w/ T3
For Protectant: M Pro 7 Gun Oil after cleaning with M Pro 7 Cleaner

This is a good read:

KG-12 is a very good copper solvent, but because of fear of it being too good of a solvent, I don't use it. If I had real copper fouling issues, I would probably go that direction.

I think the concept of a single formula to clean, lubricate, and protect is an interesting one that yields something that doesn't do any of these things very good. My wife used to work for Clorox as a chemist and they tried to develop a detergent that also worked as a faric softener. They have these on the market, and as it turns out, they don't do as good of a job at cleaning or softening than a plain detergent plus a fabric softener.

Same concept with cleaning, lubricating, and protecting. A good cleaner should dissolve stuff and then wash off fairly easily without leaving a residue. A lubricant should lubricate well. A protectant should adhere to the surface and form a protective residue. M Pro 7 cleaner is supposed to leave a protective reside, but I don't buy that. I use it to clean dirt off and then I use a towel to get rid of it before using some type of a gun oil as a protectant to prevent water from forming rust / corrosion.

I could probably consolidate. I think Shooter's Choice makes a great cleaner, but it is kind of expensive and hard on the nose. M Pro 7, you can buy by the gallon, or even by the barrel for a substantially discounted price.
Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've heard to stay away from CLP aas well as gun scrubber.</div></div>
Any particular reason why one shouldn't use BreakFree CLP inside the bore after the cleaning and before the next shooting, as a preservative?
Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Captain Kirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wipe Out, its all I use

What he said, works great.
Re: Best cleaner/lube/copper remover

Ok, so their is a huge amount of info on what is best, I just dont want to mess up a several thousand dollar semi auto AR by using crap cleaning products.

So far, I start by filling the bore with a foaming copper cleaner and letting it sit for 15 minutes until it dissolves and then running a patch through. If there is any blue or grime left I repeat to remove the remaining copper.

After this, I blast the barrel, the BCG with synthetic gun scrubber...then I come back with either slip 2000 or FP-10 and wipe all moving parts and put a light film in the barrel. So far, this has worked for years.

Apparently, motor oil works just as well as any production gun lubricant and is an excellent rust protection. However, all of my guns are stored dry, and in a cool place.