Best single stage trigger options


Piled higher and Deeper
Full Member
Feb 14, 2019
I'm in the middle of an AR build using a Craddock/Bartlein barrel. I've used a JP Enterprises components trigger in another AR and it's outstanding. Zero take-up, 3.5 lb. glass rod break, minimal overtravel, and a crisp, tactile reset. I'm very picky about triggers, and can't imagine how the JP trigger could be bested on feel, however, I've read that using the yellow springs (3.5 lb. pull) may not reliably ignite some of the harder primers.

I understand there are a few excellent trigger modules that are adjustable well below 3.5 lbs. and still reliably ignite hard primers. So here are my two questions:

1. This is a do-it-all AR pistol build for home defense/truck gun but also see longer range/precision use with the match barrel and lpvo. Does using the gun in a HD/SD role make it unwise to go below a 3.5 lb. trigger pull?

2. If it is acceptable to have a lower trigger pull in a HD/SD gun, how do the TriggerTech Diamond, Elftmann match, and Timney Calvin Elite compare to the JP components trigger in take up, break, overtravel, and reset?
I was thinking of this very thing. Do I really need an adjustable trigger in mk18 blaster. I was just about to drop coin on the triggertech independence. I’m thinking 3.5 is safe and fast enough for what I need. Then I saw their non adjustable combat and no’s I wonder.....
When the adrenaline is flowing and your manual dexterity goes to hell in a hand basket you might want a 4-4.5 Lb trigger. There is a reason why many LEOs have a 4.5-5 Lb or heavier minImum on their patrol rifles. Consider the same for HD/SD and enjoy the lighter triggers for bench/target shooting.
I'm thinking along the same lines. the stock trigger in the MK18 is absolute dog shit though, I need something. I may go with the independence.

When the adrenaline is flowing and your manual dexterity goes to hell in a hand basket you might want a 4-4.5 Lb trigger. There is a reason why many LEOs have a 4.5-5 Lb or heavier minImum on their patrol rifles. Consider the same for HD/SD and enjoy the lighter triggers for bench/target shooting.
I have several different triggers. We actually took several options out for my dad to pick his trigger when we were building his Aero M5. We shot:

-Mil spec from standard LPK
-"Upgraded" trigger (cant remember who's)
-Timney ar-10 trigger
-CMC curved trigger
-Wilson Combat straight trigger
-Hyperfire 3G curved trigger

Out of 6 shooters most of us including myself preferred the hyperfire over all the other triggers. I still run the timney in my AR10 but put hyperfire triggers in my other ar platforms and sold the others.
I have several different triggers. We actually took several options out for my dad to pick his trigger when we were building his Aero M5. We shot:

-Mil spec from standard LPK
-"Upgraded" trigger (cant remember who's)
-Timney ar-10 trigger
-CMC curved trigger
-Wilson Combat straight trigger
-Hyperfire 3G curved trigger

Out of 6 shooters most of us including myself preferred the hyperfire over all the other triggers. I still run the timney in my AR10 but put hyperfire triggers in my other ar platforms and sold the others.

What sets apart the Hyperfire trigger from the rest on your list?
What sets apart the Hyperfire trigger from the rest on your list?
Very little to no creep, crisp trigger, and fast reset. The trigger pull is also adjustable with different springs that are included. It sounds weird but I feel like I can shoot faster follow up shots when making fast shots like when i am doing double tap drills. I did not like how busy and complex they looked. Then I was hanging around the local gun shop one day and picked up the display and tried it out. I bought one while I was there.
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Very little to no creep, crisp trigger, and fast reset. The trigger pull is also adjustable with different springs that are included. It sounds weird but I feel like I can shoot faster follow up shots when making fast shots like when i am doing double tap drills. I did not like how busy and complex they looked. Then I was hanging around the local gun shop one day and picked up the display and tried it out. I bought one while I was there.

Thanks for the info. I may have to take a look at this.
It sounds weird but I feel like I can shoot faster follow up shots when making fast shots like when i am doing double tap drills.
Faster lock time. Hiperfire allegedly has the among their fastest hammer lock time in the AR trigger world.

I’ve got a 243C, not sure what they call it now, from years back. It’s outstanding, but it’s very light. Definitely what your local media would call a “hair trigger” after the cops execute a no-knock on you and you make the news.
i hear the argument a lot against light triggers for serious uses and it seems counterintuitive to me.
the argument usually has to do with lack of dexterity under stress causing negligence.
id say keeping trigger out of triggerguard until firing is a training issue not a dexterity issue.
and the same lack of dexterity clumsiness from stress is exactly why you want the light trigger keeping you from pulling shots into the dirt under stress.
i hear the argument a lot against light triggers for serious uses and it seems counterintuitive to me.
the argument usually has to do with lack of dexterity under stress causing negligence.
id say keeping trigger out of triggerguard until firing is a training issue not a dexterity issue.
and the same lack of dexterity clumsiness from stress is exactly why you want the light trigger keeping you from pulling shots into the dirt under stress.

I think theres a couple things that led to this thought process.
1.) What you said
2.) Trigger technology and how well they're built has gotten a lot better. Lighter triggers that are far more robust than the old "gunsmith file job" lol. I think some of that old mentality of a lighter trigger being more finnicky is hard to let go
3.) I think some of it is bullshit... Every firefight I've been in, trigger pull weight has made zero impact on when the gun gets fired lol. Of course...that may take us back to the training aspect.
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I'd say experience comes into account as well. I'm not sure, as a novice, I'd want a 1.5 pound trigger. If you have the skillset to take advantage of it, great! I know I am not there yet. I also consider consistency from rifle to rifle.
When the adrenaline is flowing and your manual dexterity goes to hell in a hand basket you might want a 4-4.5 Lb trigger. There is a reason why many LEOs have a 4.5-5 Lb or heavier minImum on their patrol rifles. Consider the same for HD/SD and enjoy the lighter triggers for bench/target shooting.
Yep, I have seen a ton of people doubling and tripling at the range with those drop in triggers but for experienced 3 gun guys they are very fast when double tapping. Rise Armament and Elftmann had the least creep and fastest reset in the tests I saw with 10-12 triggers in it.
No one has said anything about a Rise 535 yet. Very good trigger. I use Trigger Tech in my bolt guns but this is my go to AR trigger.

I haven't used their 535 trigger, but really like the Rise 434 and am sure the 535 is even better. In my experience the 434 is still better than most other single stage triggers on the market.

With that said, I've never cared for the more european style of trigger pull that's light but has what I consider a lot of creep, but some people seem to prefer that. I had an early Hyperfire trigger here that was like that, and really didn't like it. Newer models I tried were better, but still not as crisp as I prefer.
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