This is a great way to start; however, trickling every round gets tiresome fast, and you/we can only be as good as the quality of our scales, so it can be hard to experience the upside to all that pain without a scale that's up to the task (something with +/- 0.02gn resolution).
With any run-of-the-mill scale that has a typical +/- 0.1gn resolution, ball powder is a lot less painful to deal with, and after some practice, it's not too hard to hit one's target weight dead-on to a tenth of a grain just about every time, no trickling necessary. Of course, one can trickle ball powders too if they like... the stuff flows like water and is easy to control, far less anguish than trickling stick powder.
Now that there is stuff like Sta-Ball out there, I almost believe dropping and then manually trickling extruded stick powder is a form of self-torture that one shouldn't even bother with lol.
If you're set on using stick powders and can live with +/- 0.1gn resolution, as has been mentioned, just get a Chargemaster or Chargemaster-alike (whatever is cheapest, they're all about the same).