I have short CQB-friendly Pump-actions covered for contact distance encounters. Today, I really need to investigate the current crop of premium semi-auto combat shotguns.
I hear a lot of 'Mall Ninjas" talk about the Benelli M-4 but I wonder if the juice is worth the squeeze. I'm initially thinking of a Beretta 1301 but, I hear the new A300 Patrol is good too. Then there are the custom options from shops like Wilson Combat. With the Remington bankruptcy with Freedom Group, I'm not considering a worked over 1187 today. I expect to spend more than $1,000 and would like to stay under $2,000. NFA is an option but, I really think I should stay away from tax stamps for this purchase.
Basically, I want to 'pay once and cry once' so trying to cheap out a few hundred dollars and having buyer's remorse that I didn't get something else is also a consideration since these are so expensive.
I live in a rural part of Texas and I'm about a 1/4 mile from the public road. Since I moved here, two animal hoarders have moved in and I have been attacked by dogs three times so, these days I am generally armed when doing chores or outside in general. The Meth House burned to the ground from Arson after the Meth Head was evicted.
Typically I have been using a rifle which is great for shooting dogs at 200 yards but, fields of fire are pretty restrictive with other people living in the area and livestock in adjacent pastures. I think a shotgun with appropriate loads is really a better option for me these days so, here I am. Basically, I want a quality shotgun that is capable of really rapid fire without disrupting my aim excessively and limiting my lethal range a bit. I'm thinking I will want to keep effective stopping power to about 50 yards with power falling off afterward either through physics, hitting the ground, etc. while still retaining good lethality when closer in. In my Pump shotgun, I am primarily running Hornady Coyote BB loads right now but, I have run #4, #1, and 00 Buck in the past generally in low recoil formats.
So, who runs a "social" shotgun today, and what recommendations do people have for me?