Biden throwing in the towel

I don't think they set him up to fail at the debate, this whole thing is like damage control because we all saw that the Emperor has no clothes. If it weren't for that debate they'd have keep his senile ass in the campaign. Now they are stuck with Kummulah because she is the obvious second in command and unless they can rig the DNC (she already has about 2/3rds of the votes she needs to win) they're stuck with her.

According to this she already has a majority so she's in:

She was so unpopular that she could not win the primary in her own state, last time. The only reason she is in because she Biden's assistant link to China.

If HRC runs again, she will lose again, in reality.
The only reason it’s her is because she’s the only one who can legally use the $100M war chest Biden already has. She’s the nominee because of the money.
The DOJ now says it does have the transcripts/tapes from the Hur report.The same ones a few weeks ago they said they dont have.Now that Joe is out they can release the tapes to prove they made the move for the good of democracy.