Your missing the point.If you were truly concerned about finding the unpaid taxes out there you should be promoting the fair tax instead of pushing bigger and more powerful government.
Im lead to believe through post you have made that you don't like cash as it allows an opportunity to get around paying taxes,
and doesn't allow government to have full control over your finances.
You seem to advocate for a cashless society in posts that you have made .
Now correct me if im wrong but it seems your argument is its stops the cheaters and and your not worried about the government having full disclosure over everything you buy or sell because your on the up and up and aren't doing anything wrong.
In other words , fuck anyone's privacy because everyone needs to pay their fair share.
Hey maybe we should apply that same logic to ohhhhh say your privacy at home . Maybe the government should be able to just mossey on in to you home and do a random check without a warrant . I mean why would you need to worry if your on the up and up and not doing anything wrong .
You mind if I come by your house later and have a look around , because if you do have a problem than you must be doing something wrong.
No need for the 4th ammendment unless your a criminal and trying to hide something?
The government already knows your finances. The cash/barter is most likely a very small portion of your personal income.
if you make 100,000$ a year but make 15k on the side…it’s irrelevant for the topic of privacy and the government.
If the government wants to take your “money” you are not capable of feeding yourself by the 15k side hustle one has. So thinking not disclosing the side hustle somehow protects your personal security is illogical
they already know what you buy on line and your personal finances from your tax returns.
and truthfully your argument is a catch 22. On one hand you say “government will come get you” yet the other hand you are willing for cash business transactions to be performed tax-less ,so the government intrudes even farther by increasing the income tax.
In addition because the cash transactions are not known the government punishes law abiding (paying taxes) by increasing taxes while the law breakers continue to escape. That is as “unequal” as policy can be.