Re: Bill Wilson ( Is it worth it? )
i bought a flawless, 50 round used lwt bobtail pro about 6 months ago for about $1400 less than new retail. It's very sharply put together, shoots very well, but it's not by any quantifiably objective measure "better" than my Browns, or Baer, certainly not by the degree the difference in price might suggest.
A new Baer TRS can be had for ~$1800,. Whilst it lacks the polish of the Wilson (and the Browns), it gives up nothing in functionality or accuracy. I kinda prefer it's looks too.
Wilson's are much more flexible in ordering, they now have a huge options list, so you can order a new one pretty much exactly as you'd like it, many of them for zero or little additional cost, but for around $3K I'd be looking at Guncrafter, Berryhill, Miller, D & V or Springfield custom as a serious option.