Black Hills Ammo issue


Full Member
Oct 24, 2013
At the start of 2013 we began running low on Black Hills 180 Nolser AccuBond ammo. We placed an order and the ammo arrived July 2014. The new ammo appears to have a slight difference in the casing and the sealer used for the primers is green (previously red). The result from old to new was a different zero. I was 2 MOA low and another member was 3 MOA low, other members of the team were between 1-1.5 MOA low as well.

We re-zeroed and all was well, but the groups weren’t as tight 1-1 1/4 MOA @100 yards. We have conducted a study using “old” Black Hills and “new” Black Hills. Consistently we have noticed the “old” Black Hills ammo was tighter groups between 1/4 to 1/2 MOA@100 yards. The “new” Black Hills ammo is consistently 1 to 1 ¼ MOA groups.

Has anyone else experienced this as well? I have changed lot numbers of the “new” ammo as well.

The couple boxes of Black Hills I put through my 700 AAC hovered around 1 moa or just above. Other match grade ammo shot consistently better. It may just be my particular barrel, but it's not my go to.
Can't comment on the 180 Accubond specifically but I've had the same experience as the others; while my primary 308 does great with Hornady, Federal, and Remington match ammo it just never shot well with the Black Hills.