After Action Report:
Got the dowel rods over the weekend, picked up an assortment of sandpaper (80/150/220). Took the action off, went at the channel for 30-45 mins (give or take), two test fittings to do the $20 bill check, final clean up of the stock, attached the BA to the stock with full torque value on the DBM. $20 says it's good to go. (inflation sucks

Lessons learned:
> I found my barrel specs online as to better fit the dowel rod tool. Since the barrel was .02" over the 1" dowel rod that's what I ended up using for my stock channel. ( At least I was damn close given all the variation in specs. ) I'm glad I didn't go with the 7/8" dowel rod.
> As pictured above I found my staple gun finally, the staples hold the sandpaper in place.....worked great.
> IF you are starting with a stock where you need minor fitting 220 grit worked just fine. IF your stock needs a lot of work then 80 grit would be a good starting point.
I'll add here that if you are really needing to open up a tight stock barrel channel then a 7/8" dowel with 80 grit would be a good starting point.
> I wore gloves as the sanded fine powder of the stock fill and carbon/epoxy will get on you.
> Go slow and smooth with your action. I rolled the dowel a little bit as it helped get a few sticky areas worked out. The staples holding the sandpaper may cause issues, but you don't need to roll the dowel 360*. Just a 1/4 turn either way was all I needed to do.
> I would stop and clean up the barrel channel every so often as to not allow the dust to build up inside the channel or on the sandpaper.
Thanks to all that replied !! Your input has been appreciated.