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Blue tooth or no blue tooth

Best to get it, for resale value, if nothing else. I upgraded from a non-BT version (4000) to a 4500BT. I use it with my Nomad running Field Firing Solutions. It's an awesome combo. My Vectronix PLRF 10C connects via a data cable. It would be great if it used BT as well.
I've used it a couple of times to feed data into an Android tablet, but frankly haven't made good use of it under practical conditions.
In your original post you don't specify if you're looking at a Kestrel with built in ballistics program. If you are, espec the Applied Ballistics version, then I'd recommend the BT option. I just "upgraded" my 4500/Atrag (no BT) to the Applied Ballistics with BT.
The ability to store data on a computer is nice, and the data cables are at least as expensive as the BT upgrade. Brian Litz and the team at AB seem to be committed to continual upgrades and an AB website, etc, to make maximum use of the connectivity between the Kestrel and a computer.
In your original post you don't specify if you're looking at a Kestrel with built in ballistics program. If you are, espec the Applied Ballistics version, then I'd recommend the BT option. I just "upgraded" my 4500/Atrag (no BT) to the Applied Ballistics with BT.
The ability to store data on a computer is nice, and the data cables are at least as expensive as the BT upgrade. Brian Litz and the team at AB seem to be committed to continual upgrades and an AB website, etc, to make maximum use of the connectivity between the Kestrel and a computer.

And the subtle differences is that, with the non-BT model in order to download any complex profiles onto the device you need the USB adapter. Which is ~$85. About the price difference between the BT and non-BT models.