Boris Teper in trouble?


Feb 27, 2011
Has anyone else received a message like this (below) from Boris Teper (of Borka Enterprise)? It was sent from his e-mail (the one that I used to order one of his torque wrench kits a few weeks ago.

Are there any SH members in/near London that can check into this (e.g. see if it is real or a scam); and, if real, help him out?


My Predicament.............Help!!!(Boris Teper)

Hello,How are you doing?I'm sorry for not informing you about our trip to London,England.We had to visit a resort in London,England,Unfortunately we got mugged at GUN POINT by some muggers,all cash,credit card and phone were stolen away.It was a scary experience but glad we still have our lives and passports.We've been to the Embassy but they are not been 100% supportive.Return flight leaves in few hours but having troubles sorting out the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't allow us to leave until we settle the bill.

I was wondering if you can loan us some money to get the hotel bills sort out and also get a cab to the airport,will definitely refund it as soon as we get back.All i need is $1,750 but will appreciate whatsoever you can afford to loan me right now.You can have it wired to my name via Western to find nearest western union nearby..Here is the details to get it to me:

Receiver's Name : Boris Teper
Location : 7 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4HQ, United Kingdom.

Here are the details needed for me to pick the money up here.

Sender's Name...........................
Amount sent.......................

Email me the transfer details(MTCN#) as soon as you are done with the transfer including the amount sent..Let me know if you are heading out to western union and how soon will you be back.

I owe you Alot.
Await your response.