Brain needed for Bergara bolt


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 16, 2019
Bolt handle removal. I want to remove some CZ , Bergara B14R, and other rimfire bolt handles.
How is it done without damaging the old handle ? Thanks , y’all !
You said "others" so I'm not sure what "others" are... But the Christensen Arms Ranger 22 bolt handle is easily removable by removing the bolt from the gun, then simply pushing out a small pin (by hand, no tools required other than something small to push it out) that holds the bolt shroud and firing pin in place, and then sliding it out of the bolt body, and then pulling the bolt handle. Super simple design.
I swapped my CZ457 bolt knob to the Area419 version. I wrapped the factory knob in about 10 layers of electrical tape, gripped it with channel locks, and it came right off with zero damage to the finish. There is no need to grasp it super tight.