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Brand New 6.5 Grendel Feeding Issues


Aug 19, 2022
New Orleans, La
I've seen a few posts regarding 6.5 Grendel feeding issues, and it's either a different type of feeding issue, or I have no clue what the posters are saying. I have just started building my own rifles, and am a certified newbie. I upgraded my wife's .223 Wylde (and a few other rifles I have) numerous times, and my first build was an AR in 300 Blackout. Once completed, I was amazed at how well my Blackout performed, and haven't had a single problem with it. My 2nd full build was done in 6.5 Grendel. I just took it to the range for the first time, and ran right into trouble. Everything worked fine on the first shot, but I cannot get the follow-up round to cycle...at all. The second round will not get fully chambered, I'll get stovepipes, etc. I'll clear the rifle, charge it again, fire the shot, and that's it...back to clearing it, reloading, and on, and on. I had a similar problem with the .223, and just needed to replace the buffer spring and all was well, but since everything on the Grendel is brand new, it's definitely not a worn out buffer spring. I have read tons of posts regarding this caliber and the proper spring to use, and I get just as many differing opinions and answers. After reading through many posts here, I'm starting to wonder if it's even the buffer spring that's the problem. I am using a BCA 6.5 Grendel upper (20", right side charging), and I installed a simple Anderson AR-15 Mil-Spec Buffer Tube Kit. I've had very few problems with any of my firearms in the past, and am not sure how to even troubleshoot the AR. Since the Anderson spring I'm using now is the minimum I could even use, my guess is to get a better spring? What else could be the problem? The magazines are brand new. I am shooting 123 gr BTHP Hornady Black ammunition. Is the buffer spring usually the problem, or am I way off on this one? Funny how something so simple has gotten me so dumbfounded. Any help, advice or recommendations anyone has would be greatly appreciated.
Coud be the extractor hanging onto the brass, could be that the gas port is not big enough or if it has an adjustable gas block open it all the way up.
Does it eject the spent brass or does it get hung up during ejection?
If it ejects does it pick up the next round?
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Probably mag related if the rifle is fully ejecting the spent cartridge and locking the bolt back on an empty mag. Unfortunately, mags are the Achilles heel of the 6.5 Grendel. And, no one can really tell you what mags will work in your rifle. But, consensus does seem to be that 10 round mags feed better than the larger capacity mags. My rifle functions with ASC mags, but chokes on Elander and AA mags. Others have reported terrible results with ASC, but good function with C-Products. Some use 6.8SPC mags. Others use 7.62x39 AR mags. Everyone is convinced that their way IS the way.
Check your extractor. I had a problem like that, and the extractor was a little too thick. I swapped pieces one by one, and when I changed te extractor it started working properly. Not sure exactly what was happening, but my best guess was that the thick extractor was slowing the bolt down enough for it to prevent proper chambering when auto loading.
Try a DuraMag (C-Products Defense) stainless 6.5 Grendel magazine. If that still doesn't fix it, start looking into the buffer weight to slow down the bolt speed. I run an H3 buffer in my 6.5 Grendel. Runs perfect.

Another possible issues could be if you're running a barrel that is non-dimpled for the gas block, make sure you gas block alignment is correct, and that you're gas block isn't seated completely assigns the delta-ring shelf. You want a 0.025" gap between the shelf and gas block. Also, make sure your gas block is straight up and down.

These sound like commonsense things, but you'd be amazing at what I've seen diagnosing other people's guns.
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Damn Grendel mags. I'm convinced that more people would love the cartridge if it weren't for the mags. I had zero malfunctions in mine for the first ~300 rounds, and now have had two double feeds from the same mag within 50...probably more like 30 rounds of each other.

Wouldn't be such a bitch, but I was shooting at pigs at the time of the issues.

FYI, I am running Duramags. I'm going to switch to a new one to see if the problem persists.
Using ASC's in two 6.5 and one 6mm Grendel for a few years now with no malfunctions. Reading about all the mag issues makes me think I won the mag lottery.
Thanks for all the input. I've been going through things one by one, and it finally dawned on me what the problem was. I'm so embarrassed that I honestly wanna kick my own ass. What a newbie mistake......
Care to share? Your dilemma may be helpful to others. Everyone is a newbie at one point...
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Damn Grendel mags. I'm convinced that more people would love the cartridge if it weren't for the mags. I had zero malfunctions in mine for the first ~300 rounds, and now have had two double feeds from the same mag within 50...probably more like 30 rounds of each other.

Wouldn't be such a bitch, but I was shooting at pigs at the time of the issues.

FYI, I am running Duramags. I'm going to switch to a new one to see if the problem persists.

E-lander 17's are the most consistent across the board that I've seen in ~12,000 round of ARC. ASC's are probably 2nd place.
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E-lander 17's are the most consistent across the board that I've seen in ~12,000 round of ARC. ASC's are probably 2nd place.

I found a 24? (don't have it in front of me at the moment to verify) E-Lander in my magazine box. Haven't used it a lot yet, but zero issues so far (fingers crossed).

I mistakenly attributed my double feeds to Duramags in my above post...they were actually ASC marked.
The 24/25 round E-landers work well as long as they're clean. If you run suppressed and/or never clean them they'll gum up and slow down enough that the bolt will outrun the magazine. For whatever reason (likely less drag having a smaller stack of cartridges) the 15/17 rounders keep chugging along.