Brass Catcher


Full Member
Mar 17, 2013
Need to get a brass catcher for my AR15 & AR10. Plan to shoot off a tripod, so the bag needs to be fully supported by the rifle & not the bench. Who makes a decent one that does not impede with function?
I’ve been using the Caldwell Brass Catcher on a few rifles (SP10, SCAR 20 ect) and happy with the purchase.

This is the only good one I’ve seen at a reasonable price. It attaches to the magwell, so it’s universal and easily attached and removed.
Couple things. I have a tbr catcher on a scar 17 that works extremely well. Pictures make it seem kinda bulky but it's been great. Keeping it emptied makes a difference too. Also have a Caldwell on that uses Velcro instead of the picatinny mount. It's pretty much junk. The one linked I would think would be a bit better.
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some good screen mesh and something to hold it in place and you can make your own pretty cheap and make it big enough to work sadly still won't protect you from other people spraying you with there hot brass .

large enough to catch birds or brass looks like an over sized pool cleaner minus the pole .
some good screen mesh and something to hold it in place and you can make your own pretty cheap and make it big enough to work sadly still won't protect you from other people spraying you with there hot brass .
View attachment 7592544
large enough to catch birds or brass looks like an over sized pool cleaner minus the pole .
I own the above and it works pretty well but you have to be careful where you place it for each semis you use otherwise you'll be chasing brass. Other down side is hot brass will sometime stick to the thin netting. For 556 that Brass Goat sure looks good. Might get one.
This is the only good one I’ve seen at a reasonable price. It attaches to the magwell, so it’s universal and easily attached and removed.

Brass Goat is the best I've used by far.

Remember the appeal of the AR57 uppers, where they could be set up to eject into an empty mag? The Brass Goat basically does the same thing, other than being an extra piece added on the side of the gun. It clips on and off the lower receiver easily, and is definitely worth a try for the price.

One caveat - I did have to grind a couple relief spots for the Brass Goat to clear my scope mount base screws (on rifles where the nuts stick out to the right side). Other than that it just works.

I've tried the Caldwell stuff and always thought they sucked.
those case necks get dinged up on extraction, so what's the point ? plus you get alittle more exercise if you have to pick them up
Uh, the point is to catch brass. Who said anything about dinged necks and why would you think that’s the point of a brass catcher?

Maybe catching brass doesn’t matter if you only shoot on an organized range, but then I’d throw the question back at ya - what’s the point of that? For the rest of us who sometimes shoot in places where brass can be hard to find or recover, a brass catcher is an obvious benefit.
I've been making these for a while now. Very low profile to stay out of the way, works on AR15 and AR10 variants.

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so what's the point ?
Lets put on our critical thinkings hats, and ponder what the point is. It is not that hard to see why.

Some days I wish I had a voice clip from Frank's podcast where he says "I dont get it"

To actually help the OP I have started using the rail mounted Caldwell like linked above. It is leaps and bound better than the original Caldwell design that velcroed around the hand guard. It has a nice frame so it stays open and doesnt cause malfunctions. I also shoot with a guy who owns the Goat one. It seems to work really good for him.

I will mention the caldwell one doesnt work with all scope/scope mount combos. my guns with cat tails on the power adjustment ring I cant use it because there is no room for it to slip on.
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Go with the Tactical Brass Recovery option mentioned above. Buy once, cry once. Plus they articulate so you can swing them in and out of the way for manipulation of the rifle, chamber check, etc. And they fold flat against the receiver when not in use.. Buy once, cry once.
Don't they require pic rail on the side of the handguard? Not all of my ARs have that.
Just ordered this one ... lots of good features ... hoping for good things. I'll review here once I've used it a bit. Wanted the MPA brass catcher, but out of stock, and crazy-expensive.

As long as you don’t plan to use it on a scoped AR that might work.

Although for ~$15 more the Brass Goat works on all forged lowers, and there’s nothing to cry about as someone claimed above.
+1 for the Tactical Brass Recovery

use it on 3 or 4 different rifles and it rocks. Ran at at matches on my large frame AR. Nothing better than not having to chase brass around after a stage
I have the Caldwell that attaches with velcro around the handguard...

Meh... It works so-so.

My rig is over gassed so there's not much telling where brass will go, otherwise I would run something like the swimming pool cleaning net setup that acudaowner shared.

I have 2 of the Caldwell ones. Only issue I've had is like someone already said you can melt the mesh bag if you have real hot brass. Had to put a zip tie on it so brass would not fall though the hole. But they are cheap and it only happened once where it melted it bad after catching probably 5k plus cases so its acceptable for the price. Will probably try the tactical brass catcher if I ruin both of my current catchers.
I’ve been looking at the MPA to use on my bolt gun and move over to the AR.

I’m thinking trying one of these
This is by far the best thing currently out there. I've used and abused it in field conditions over broken terrain for four years now.... Buy once cry once and be done with it IMO. To each is their own though.
This is the exact same one.
When I first bought one they were $19 now they are $29.
The one thing that is nice they supply you with two mounts so you don't have to keep taking it off your gun.

If you look at the mounts between the two, the TacStar mount fits flush with the top of the pic rail, which is important if you have an optic or something else that need to be mounted over it. The one that you listed, the mount sticks up quite a ways above the rail.
I use the Caldwell rail mounted catcher exclusively. My guns (including bolt guns) all have the adapter, and I have two bags for use when a second shooter is along. No significant problems observed yet. It's worth it to keep the fired brass up out of the muck.

I use the Caldwell rail mounted catcher exclusively. My guns (including bolt guns) all have the adapter, and I have two bags for use when a second shooter is along. No significant problems observed yet. It's worth it to keep the fired brass up out of the muck.


Do you have photos of the adapters for your bolt action rifles?
I have had one malfunction in the last two years while shooting at hogs. Having the TBR allowed me to swing the brass catcher out in the dark and start sweeping a finger through the ejection port.

I have just one, but the QD mount allows me to switch it between any of my rigs within a matter of seconds.

Buy once, cry once.
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Do you have photos of the adapters for your bolt action rifles?

I'm sorry, I don't post photos; I just don't.

The adapter fits on Pic rails, so it works fine for most AR's and Bolt gun rails.

There's nothing special to see; most of my bolt guns are Savage 10's.

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I use the Caldwell rail mounted catcher exclusively. My guns (including bolt guns) all have the adapter, and I have two bags for use when a second shooter is along. No significant problems observed yet. It's worth it to keep the fired brass up out of the muck.


Another vote for the Caldwell and you can also buy extra adapters so you can move it from any gun with a picatinny rail.
By the people that make them for Caldwell.
I have both.
They used to be $19 they are now $23
With an extra pic mount so you can use it on two guns.