I’ve been running the caldwell design with the velcro strap for over 10 years. I think it was UTG when I bought it. Had to tweak the frame a little bit so the brass wouldn’t bounce back into the ejection port and get mangled by the bolt, but once I got it sorted out it worked as intended. I leave the bottom zipper open as others have mentioned, the mesh is nylon and will melt with prolonged contact with hot brass.
The one cool feature with that setup is after you use it for a decade, the velcro wrap chafes against the metal frame until it wears through the strap and starts scratching up your handguard.
Mine is now reinforced with tactical duct tape. There are a dozen better designs on the market and I should have replaced it by now. B&T made a rigid plastic brass catcher a while back and it looked pretty legit. I’ll have to check out some of the products mentioned in this thread.
For shooting pistols from a bench for load development I use these collapsible mesh/wire frame clothes hampers from wallmart. Lay them on their side with a rock or something heavy inside so they don’t blow away and keep the ejection port close to the opening. Works good enough and the hampers are usually under $5. When I pack up to leave the range I just fold up the hamper with the brass inside. Its smaller than 1.5sqft folded up.
The one cool feature with that setup is after you use it for a decade, the velcro wrap chafes against the metal frame until it wears through the strap and starts scratching up your handguard.

For shooting pistols from a bench for load development I use these collapsible mesh/wire frame clothes hampers from wallmart. Lay them on their side with a rock or something heavy inside so they don’t blow away and keep the ejection port close to the opening. Works good enough and the hampers are usually under $5. When I pack up to leave the range I just fold up the hamper with the brass inside. Its smaller than 1.5sqft folded up.