The exact same thing could be said about almost every thread your in, as nothing you post really doesn't have any supportive facts.
Really? I laid out the reasons. if you took the time to READ the actual thread and digest the content, that would be obvious. I can't force you to understand, you might have to do a bit of thinking here....sorry to tell ya.
If I say something is shit, bad or not good, there is a reason. I don't just pick random items to condemn. Hopefully people who are on the fence will get good info and not shit parroted by people who have a very narrow view.
Ive owned, trained and Deployed with ACOG'. Ive maintained them (not that they needed much) and dealt with warranty work on those that were destroyed or had issues.
Ive shot a couple BCO's, and laid out why it is an inferior product, overpriced and out of principle not a good buy.
Do do you have ANYTHING to add about either of these optics, or are you just jumping in here to fling shit? Yea, You don't like me, join the club. But you can't prove me wrong and deep down you know I'm right. Must really burn deep for you to follow me into every thread and take pot shots.