Re: Building a 1911
<span style="font-weight: bold">Tucson Dave</span>. . . HOLY CRAP!!!! I went up to the first line of your post NO LESS than five times to confirm you wrote "NEW" for the pistol! YOWZER!! I realize your 'smith is probably a perfectionist(I mean that in a good way!) but wow. . . I have no words!
<span style="font-weight: bold">Gen Lee</span>. . . Having worked in the Harley Davidson arena, "custom" was always a fun term. The joke for us was someone would buy a $20k factory bike, put on $3k of aftermarket junk, and we'd jokingly call it "custom."
I changed out the trigger on my Colt 1911 to an SV Tri-Glide, so is that custom? I say "no", but some may say yes since I had to fit the trigger in there. I only did it because I wanted a different color trigger, not really for any other purpose.
So, if I buy a frame from Yaffe, power train from S&S, metal parts from O.C.C. and paint from House of Color, is the bike custom? Again, some would say yes and no. I would say yes . . . as long as it it worked! LOL!
If YOU took a matched frame/slide, took the time to learn how to fit some parts, even if it was seeking help from people here on the 'Hide, borrowing a friends tools, I'd say that's a custom. Some may call that glorified assembly!?
Is ordering a Wilson Combat or a Nighthawk Custom a custom pistol then?? I mean really, it's a fabricated gun in a catalog right? OR. . . is it made to your liking and then it costs a pretty penny? I'm *NOT* ripping on them, but just want to bring it up for discussion. I'd totally take one if someone gave one to me, or when I save up enough to order one!
These are just my humble opinions that aren't even worth $0.02!! "custom" is a very loose word with no certain meaning in the context of guns, or bikes!
Just build/order/buy something you'll shoot and enjoy! New guns don't belong in the safe, they belong on the range for you to enjoy with your friends! And of course to post pics on here for all of us to comment!