Building a rifle similar to the EDM Windrunner


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Full Member
Feb 16, 2017
Hi folks, I'm looking to build a bolt gun similar to the EDM Windrunner/Nemesis Arms Vanquish which can be seen here: & here:

Their system looks great. I love that you can quickly swap barrels and return to zero. I love that you can pack the into a very small case due to the way it breaks down, and assemble/disassemble it quickly. "So why not just get a Vanquish then!?" Well there are some things that aren't so desirable as well, like the weight, lack of aftermarket parts/barrels, and the cost (for $5.5k I could get an AI).

So are there any combinations of actions and stocks that would yield a rifle with similar characteristics to the windrunner/vanquish rifle, especially the quick barrel change while holding zero, and small package when dissembled, BUT doesn't weight 15lbs+? I don't really care if it is long or short action, either will work.
Wish I had better news for you, but it doesn't exist, not in a breakdown package with multi-caliber capability. Also, a full true to <.1 MIL "return to zero" multi-caliber system does not exist. When I had my EDM, a barrel swap would still yield a semi-predictable .1 - .3 shift. Same thing with my Post 2014 AX308 and both AXMC's - there is a small amount of shift that can be somewhat predicted.

By the way, EDM Arms is no more as of a month or so ago. Bill Ritchie, the sole owner and designer of the EDM breakdown rifle passed away. Nemesis purchased rights from EDM to build the Vanquish. Most skilled smiths can spin a barrel for an EDM - it's just going to cost you. Replacement parts - that could be an issue for an EDM rifle possibly - you'd be safe with a Vanquish.

McMillan's Star system sort of gives me a tingly feeling. It's $10K though so that's not going to be a money-saving route for you!
Thanks for the replies so far! I do not need caliber swap, just quick-is take-down into as small a package as possible, and as close to a predictable return to zero as possible. Less weight would also be good.

Sad to hear about EDM.
By the way, EDM Arms is no more as of a month or so ago. Bill Ritchie, the sole owner and designer of the EDM breakdown rifle passed away. Nemesis purchased rights from EDM to build the Vanquish. Most skilled smiths can spin a barrel for an EDM - it's just going to cost you. Replacement parts - that could be an issue for an EDM rifle possibly - you'd be safe with a Vanquish.

While EDM Arms is gone, his son is still around and can clue you in to what is and is not possible. See

Interesting, good to know he is still around. His .50cal looks interesting.

Anyways I had a thought. Could a similar setup to the EDM/Nemesis be achieved by using an AI AX or AI AXMC, and simply removing the key-mod for-end and somehow attaching the bipod to the front of the chassis?

Hardly less expensive I know, but it could be an interesting option.
Nice, yeah that was what I was thinking of. I just wonder if that small front part of the chassis the handguard attaches to could be drilled or something for a bipod. It would almost replicate the Nemesis at that point. I would guess most folks don't fuck with a $5500+ gun's chassis so maybe I should just email them.

On another note, it seems strange to me that with all the aftermarket actions, not one I can find can do with the AI, Nemesis, or DTA can do with barrel switching with relative zero maintenance and quick barrel changes. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places but I cannot seem to find one.